I feel weird to wear scrubs to school


I work part time as a CNA so I wear scrubs to school. But people stare at me and ask me if I'm a nursing student and why I'm wearing scrubs. I feel like they think I'm pretending to be a nursing student or something. But the nursing students wear white and I wear ciel blue. I don't know. Do you think people would think that I'm pretending to be a nursing student because I wear scrubs to school?

Honestly, who cares? If it's obvious that the nursing students wear white, then that should be enough. I saw a lot of my classmates wear scrubs because they were coming from work and I never once thought they were pretending to be something.

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.

I never had people assume I was pretending to be a nursing student. I also wear ceil blue scrubs and people usually just ask me where I work

No. If you go to school and can't go home to change between school and work, what are you to do? Even if they do believe that, that's their problem, not yours. It would be different if they asked if you were a nursing student and you said "yes," but to worry about what people assume about you is not worth your time.

Specializes in Critical Care Transport, Cardiac ICU, Rapid.

If you're the uncomfortable just change into your scrubs when you get to work...unless we have some sort of lab that day I normally refrain from wearing scrubs to class just because I wear them so often. If Im coming from work (I work overnights), I'll just shower and change into street clothes prior (prevent spread of all those germs)

I went straight from work to school and wore whites. I would change once I got to school. One time, I looked all around the parking garage and changed inside the car. You gotta do what you gotta do.

I usually change, but I don't like scrubs. I just put a bag of "street clothes" in my car. However if you are changing in your car look around for security cameras first. I made that mistake. If I liked scrubs I wouldn't care I often attended school in my work uniform when that wasn't scrubs.

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

The don't wear them.

i feel weird wearing scrubs to the grocery store after work but I get over it.

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