I am knee deep in nursing school currently working on assessments. The fall semester has just begun and I find myself being reprimanded by a professor and then counseled by the dean. Nice job…right?
I often tell my friends “I’m just happy to be here” and with good reason. I fought for my spot in nursing school….every step of the way and sometimes against the recommendations of counselors. I was determined to get in…my last move involved dropping into Med Mirco mid semester. I was told by my counselor that I would never make it…I was given the chance and was told “Catch up” and I did…I earned an “A”. I have pulled of 20 credit semesters without a hitch and this fall happens to be yet another 20 credit run.
“Over achiever” is something I hear often but the fact is I am not one…I work hard and even when I want to cry I stand up straight and bite my lip. Well apparently the faculty sees this behavior as being “Cocky, and arrogant.” I was told this by the dean…I am perceived as one who “speaks as if he knows more then he really does” and “thinks nursing school is easy”…this is not the opinion of the dean however. I have a 3.9 GPA, made dean scholar the past two semesters and also work at the hospital. “Easy” has never been considered when it comes to nursing school. To complete the picture I was elected class president and I am politically involved with nursing…
So what is this “over achiever” whining about? I have sensed “something” these past few semesters…tension, animosity…something just barley palpable. The nursing staff just seems to be dry, sarcastic and almost condescending toward me. I answer questions in class and I am ignored, professors are near explosive with me when I ask them questions…but something else…
I turn in an assignment that is found to be unacceptable, unprofessional…and it requires the attention of the dean. I wrote a pain assessment citing “no pain”. OK…so I will take that one, I am a student after all. But the other assessments are found to be just fine as per the dean of nursing…”I don’t see any problem with this”. However the instructor provided a laundry list of inequities. My instructions from the dean…”Grovel. Do what you have to do…” ??
Now all the past comes to mind…some time ago I was written up and sent home for coming to class with sandals on. It was supposed to be a class day that somehow turned into a lab day for which I was “unprepared”….”School Policy” I am told. Well school policy also states “No butts, no boobs and no backs” in class and yet all the busty girly girls are permitted to come to class in boob hangers and daisy duke shorts…the list goes on. The dean tells me “I’ve seen this before with other male students”
So for the first time in history I am thinking about quitting. I had no idea this would turn out this way…I thought college meant you work your butt off and earn the best grade you can. I’m at the top of my class and have earned the respect of my classmates and yet I feel as if I don’t belong. I have worked for many years in healthcare and my experience is not even considered a factor here let alone my grades. I’ve been reduced to…to feeling like everyone has been lying to me…like my work is unappreciated and that THIS is all a lie.
It seems these professors feel a student needs to nail themselves to a cross to appreciate how difficult nursing school is. Confidence is viewed as arrogance and success is viewed as an attempt to disrupt the system. I was told from the beginning “Nursing school will be the hardest thing you ever do”…to me it seems nursing school is a cake walk in comparison to the people running it and the politics associated with hazing.