Published Mar 26, 2006
817 Posts
I can't believe it, I actually failed the math section on the NET. I am terrible at math so I really don't know why I am the least bit surprised.
Anyway, I only failed it by 2% so the school has offered to let me re-test in math. I really hope that I can pass it this time.(it will be a written test this time)
I did great on all of the other areas, and did pass some of the math sections but I scored just a bit too low on fractions, number conversions and algebra.
I have to call on Tues to set up an appt. I plan on April 6th. I don't really want to wait that long but I do want time to learn that darn math.
2,327 Posts
I can't believe it, I actually failed the math section on the NET. I am terrible at math so I really don't know why I am the least bit surprised. Anyway, I only failed it by 2% so the school has offered to let me re-test in math. I really hope that I can pass it this time.(it will be a written test this time)I did great on all of the other areas, and did pass some of the math sections but I scored just a bit too low on fractions, number conversions and algebra.I have to call on Tues to set up an appt. I plan on April 6th. I don't really want to wait that long but I do want time to learn that darn math.
Can you get someone to help you with preparing at your school for the next time? I am so sorry to hear....keep that chin up! {{{{ HUG}}}
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Princess, there should be a tutor available at school. Get a hold of him and get cracking!
And good luck.
27 Posts
Just go through the study guide a million times. They are exactly alike. I used to freak out when I took calculus. My husband advised me to drink a beer....
It turned out, all I needed was to relax. This has worked for me ever since. Stick with it. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
608 Posts
Michelle, I am so sorry to hear that. I had my fingers crossed for you. Just keep practicing. You have the Net study guide right? Keep pounding away at it and you'll get it. Don't give up, I want to sit next to you in orientation!!
Thanks guys. I have been having a friend of mine who is a math instructor tutor me (over the phone, probably not the best way to do it) and it has seemed to help some. Just not enough, I suppose. I have the study guide from school and the Kaplan study guide. I've been going over and over the math in them, I'm just really bad at math. The Kaplan guide is NOTHING like the NET, I was really surprised.
I'm going to keep practicing though, I REALLY want to pass this test. They told me if I bring up my math score to passing that there still is a good chance of me getting into the August program.
I will also be taking a math class at TCC this summer, that will help me out with dosage calc etc.... if I do get in. I've just got to figure out a way to pass that test within the next couple of weeks.
Nursecadet, Wanna get together for coffee and a math lesson lol You had the same test right? No actually I guess that you had the RN version huh?
You know something else that surprised me. There were no word problems on the test.
Glad to hear that you're not giving up! I took the test for RN, but I would think it's pretty much the same. Man, I wish I still had my NET study guide, I could give it to you to study, but I let a girl in my AP class borrow it so she could study. Math is not my best subject, I am pretty confident in the algebra portion and OK in number conversions......fractions was my lowest though. I have a big micro and AP lab test this week, but maybe we can get together this upcoming weekend?
Faeriewand, ASN, RN
1,800 Posts
I just passed the DET which is a very difficult test (3 hours long) and what helped me tremendously was a book called Number Power,. It shows you how to do everything and lots of practice problems. Very good book and was recommended by my school for the students taking the test. I could not have made it otherwise. I'm keeping my book so that i can help my kids with math as they go thru their classes. Good luck to you on your next try! :)
Number conversions and algebra were my lowest scores.(well and fractons too) If you can help me with them that would be great. Good luck on your test. Like you said, maybe we can get together this upcoming weekend.
I'm going to get that book today. Thank you!
31 Posts
what study guide other than kaplan do you have? did you buy the one at eri world? i have this one and am hoping that the math is really similar. what were the hardest math problems on the test? i am sure that with some help you will do fine on the retest! good luck!