I have DUIs on my past record.

Nurses Criminal


Hello everyone!

I have a question and who better to ask than you in the community? It has always been my dream to of service to others and impact the world. When I was younger I always got good grades, even graduating early in high school and starting college early. While in college, I was sexually assaulted and dropped out.

As I got older I met a man who would become my daughter's father. He was abusive and when I tried to break it off, he locked me in his apartment and sexually assaulted me. As I tried to leave, he grabbed my dog by the neck and threated to choke her. I waited until he fell asleep to call my parents who drove 8 hours at night to get me from the house. It was later that I found out I was pregnant.

He would stalk me, harass me and threaten me. I had to get a restraining order which the judge actually extended to a 5 year term. He disappeared for a year and when he showed up caused total havoc in our lives. He threatened to take my child, kill me and took me to court 18 times. Finally it was ordered if he wanted to take me back he would have to pay attorney fees in the future.

During this time, I was completely distracted from my schooling. I am a great mom but I have definitely made mistakes. During that process I was unable to get the counseling I need as my insurance would only cover limited sessions. My daughter is with me full time and she would spend one night with her grandparents every other weekend to spend time as well. During those times in would drink wine (I never drank around my daughter) and in my stupidity i left to go to the store and got a DUI. A year later I got a another one.

I am proud to sai I was able to get the counseling I needed for the trauma I experienced. I attended DV support groups, AA 3 times a week, alcohol treatment for a year, therapeutic and counseling sessions and completed my DUI program. While he is still kn and out of her life, I have the coping skills and am now am empowered woman. Back to my true self and the woman I was before.

I want to change lives and inspire others and show that it is possible to overcome hardships and make positive changes. I returned to.school and am getting ready apply for nursing school.

My question is, if I can provide proof of treatment, show letters of recommendations, explain my story and show my growth as a woman do you think they will accept me? I am asking for an opportunity to achieve my dreams and show other women that they can too.

Thank you and God Bless

Dang. I am in near the same position, so my two cents is limited to my experience. What I did was first was checked with my state board of nursing, to see if my convictions will prohibit me from getting a license. Next, I talked to the nursing schools near me to see what their individual policies are. I live smack dab in the middle of a bunch of nursing schools and they all have different policies -- ranging from not being able to apply with ANY convictions, to needing to complete probation first, to a school that doesn't even want to know unless it's a felony. At this point, I've found schools willing to take me if I can get cleared for the individual clinical sites -- can't complete any programs without clinical experiences.

Be prepared to explain your convictions. And if you do decide to persue nursing, remember that you're already starting at a disadvantage. You'll want to make yourself look amazing in every other way; high marks on perquisites, volunteer or cna experience. Anything to give you an edge will help.

Wish me luck and I will do the same for you!!


Thank you for your insight. My next step is to speak with all the nursing counselors at all programs in my area. I see I was only focusing on the closest 3 but will expand my search. I did speak with the Board and they told me they look at applicants on a case-by-case basis.

Good luck to you as well and keep me posted on your progress. :-)

I'm sorry if you already stated this, but how long since this all happened? I think you stand a very good chance with being able to produce what you have already done. Keep in mind though, the powers that be tend to view DUIs as an extreme manifestation of behaviors of the disease of alcoholism. They don't always see it as a 'one off,' never to happen again type thing. They may ask you what you are doing for your 'disease' now, to make sure it never happens again?

Do I believe it's possible to make a mistake and never do it again? Absolutely! But, I don't matter.

Test the waters, do some information gathering with your state's BON also. Because that can be where new nurses get hung up. They will make it through college, only to be stopped at the NCLEX testing point and get a referral. If that happens you'll be faced with the possibility of monitoring. Although, I'm hoping that since this involved alcohol and it didn't happen while you were in nursing school, or as a nurse, that you may be able to get by. The problems always present when the law becomes involved. THAT is when others tend to view alcohol and substance abuse as more than just recreational.

Best of luck! Be sure to come back and let the community know what you discover and how you fare. It helps everyone who may be facing similar struggles but are too afraid to post a question.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Sometimes this sort of conviction can be overcome when it comes to getting a nursing license and sometimes not. I have seen people get all the way through nursing school, graduate with the degree and the licensing body declining to let them take the NCLEX. Hard place to be in for a degree that is worthless without the license. Only you can decide if this is worth the risk. There are a lot of other careers that will let you help people that won't have you wondering all the way through school whether you are wasting time and money.

I'm hoping that will be the case for me. By the time I apply it will have been 3 years past. I'm also going to an expungement clinic this weekend to speak with lawyers about cases my record expunged.

7 hours ago, Domino2019 said:

I'm hoping that will be the case for me. By the time I apply it will have been 3 years past. I'm also going to an expungement clinic this weekend to speak with lawyers about cases my record expunged.

Three years is still pretty recent. But, if you are younger(ish), there's really not a lot you can do about the time you've spent on earth. Hopefully they will see it as a foolish mistake of youth. Good luck!

I had 3 misdemeanor DUI's when I applied for nursing school and was accepted, no problem. The Florida Board of Nursing wouldn't tell me that they'd grant me a license when I graduated. They said they take it on a case by case basis. I took a leap of faith and graduated anyway. All they asked for when I applied for the license were 3 letters of recommendation!! I hope this gives you some idea. Good luck.

Specializes in SICU.

Hello 2bamboo,

I am so happy to hear about your success story. I was also able to graduate and I'm currently applying for the NCLEX with 2 previous DUIs misdemeanors. One at 19 and the other at 28 years of age, I'm now 36. I have all court documents and 3 letters but I'm not sure if I need a lawyer. Can you guide me on what you wrote to the board?

Thank you!

Dear RN2be44,

Congratulations!! In Florida, where I was licensed, all I had to do was send 2 or 3 letters of recommendation along with my application for the license. I don't remember if I had to send in the court documents - they may have looked that up themselves since all the DUI's were in Florida. No lawyer needed. Didn't have to go before a Board. Everything was done by mail. This was in 2009 - maybe they are stricter now. I remember that one of my letters of recommendation was from a guidance counselor at my college - we had become friends and he wrote a great letter in my behalf! Make sure the authors of your letters are in trusted positions. At my first job I worked with an RN who had a prior drug arrest, and she was able to get a Florida license. I thought it would be hard and it turned out to be easy. What state are you in?

Specializes in SICU.

Hey 2bamboo,

Thank you and thanks for the reply. I'm originally from Maryland where I left my reckless behavior and moved to Florida in 2015. All my letters are from previous physicians whom I worked for and kept in touch with. Even though it has been 10 years since your situation, I hope my predicament will also end in a success story. Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.

Florida, a sunny place for people with shady pasts. Just kidding!

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