I have DUIs on my past record.

Nurses Criminal


Hello everyone!

I have a question and who better to ask than you in the community? It has always been my dream to of service to others and impact the world. When I was younger I always got good grades, even graduating early in high school and starting college early. While in college, I was sexually assaulted and dropped out.

As I got older I met a man who would become my daughter's father. He was abusive and when I tried to break it off, he locked me in his apartment and sexually assaulted me. As I tried to leave, he grabbed my dog by the neck and threated to choke her. I waited until he fell asleep to call my parents who drove 8 hours at night to get me from the house. It was later that I found out I was pregnant.

He would stalk me, harass me and threaten me. I had to get a restraining order which the judge actually extended to a 5 year term. He disappeared for a year and when he showed up caused total havoc in our lives. He threatened to take my child, kill me and took me to court 18 times. Finally it was ordered if he wanted to take me back he would have to pay attorney fees in the future.

During this time, I was completely distracted from my schooling. I am a great mom but I have definitely made mistakes. During that process I was unable to get the counseling I need as my insurance would only cover limited sessions. My daughter is with me full time and she would spend one night with her grandparents every other weekend to spend time as well. During those times in would drink wine (I never drank around my daughter) and in my stupidity i left to go to the store and got a DUI. A year later I got a another one.

I am proud to sai I was able to get the counseling I needed for the trauma I experienced. I attended DV support groups, AA 3 times a week, alcohol treatment for a year, therapeutic and counseling sessions and completed my DUI program. While he is still kn and out of her life, I have the coping skills and am now am empowered woman. Back to my true self and the woman I was before.

I want to change lives and inspire others and show that it is possible to overcome hardships and make positive changes. I returned to.school and am getting ready apply for nursing school.

My question is, if I can provide proof of treatment, show letters of recommendations, explain my story and show my growth as a woman do you think they will accept me? I am asking for an opportunity to achieve my dreams and show other women that they can too.

Thank you and God Bless

Specializes in SICU.

Have a nice Labor Day.

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