Published Aug 10, 2005
moliuchick, RN
185 Posts
I cannot believe it. I just went to the Pearson rip off website and foud out that I "PASS". You know before I click on that "next" button, my heart rate went up to 110!!!!
I am officially an RN now. :rotfl:
To those who have not found out yet, good luck and you will be in my prayer!!!:)
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
congratulations to you!
317 Posts
I told you you passed!! Wahoo!!!!!!
Enjoy the day!
1,987 Posts
congratulations!!! :balloons:
once your heartrate comes back down to normal, i suggest you go out and celebrate your accomplishments!! great job, and enjoy the title rn!!
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
I cannot believe it. I just went to the Pearson rip off website and foud out that I "PASS". You know before I click on that "next" button, my heart rate went up to 110!!!! I am officially an RN now. :rotfl: To those who have not found out yet, good luck and you will be in my prayer!!!:)
:balloons: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :balloons:
:Melody: RN............RN.............RN..............RN..............RN :Melody:
Just want to thank you all of you for being so supportive when I was doubting myself. I pray for those who are going to take the exam and those who are waiting for their result.
Good luck !:)
congratulations!!!!i told you you passed!! wahoo!!!!!! rn!!! enjoy the day!
i told you you passed!! wahoo!!!!!!
enjoy the day!
you are right about me passing. how do you know? are you psychic?
congrats to you too "ms. rn!"
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
Woot! Congratulations!
27 Posts
Congratulations!!! I hope I have great news to post in a couple of days too....
This waiting for results is horrendous.