Published Jan 16, 2019
Bulldogs, CNA, EMT-B
121 Posts
I have teachers asking for things like deodorant, toothpaste and other hygiene items. Can I get samples from somewhere? Anyone have any ideas?
CanIcallmymom, BSN, RN
397 Posts
For themselves or students?
For students
BrisketRN, BSN, RN
916 Posts
Free tooth brushes for Kinder & 1st grade teachers
More oral hygiene
I also had a weird hobby in college where I'd go to "freebie" sites and get samples mailed to me. Might be worth it if you have a few free minutes now and then. It's not always consistent, but it could help supplement.
nursekoll, BSN, RN
141 Posts
P&G for schools can provide puberty education and deodorant samples for 5th graders. Sometimes they run out, so order early! I have also asked the PTO to collect donations of hotel sample bottles of shampoo/conditioner for the locker room, but find that students don't really value these and end up dumping them, or otherwise messing around with them . I have asked local dentists for toothbrush and toothpaste donations for those students that claim to have none at home. We keep these at school for them to use here every morning, otherwise they also seem to get "lost" at home.
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
45 minutes ago, BiscuitRN said:Free tooth brushes for Kinder & 1st grade teachersMore oral hygieneI also had a weird hobby in college where I'd go to "freebie" sites and get samples mailed to me. Might be worth it if you have a few free minutes now and then. It's not always consistent, but it could help supplement.
You're a genius....I just sent the link to my teachers.
Great thanks for the ideas
1 hour ago, ruby_jane said:You're a genius....I just sent the link to my teachers.
I can't take credit for it--someone from the Department of Public Health sent this link out to the Illinois school nurses yesterday. But I'm always on the look out for useful freebies!
Mn nurse 22
103 Posts
Our PTA just started a Care Closet. They have donations for personal hygiene supplies and $$ to help keep it stocked. They have coordinated it and plan to do the work of maintaining it. It has been very well received so far.
JenTheSchoolRN, BSN, RN
3,035 Posts
I ordered these a couple of years ago:
Tiny and key in a MS/HS. I did use some of my budget for it, but I'm lucky as my school was all for it. I think I may need a new batch at the end of this school year finally, so three years strong!