HRSA Scholarship

Nurses Announcements Archive


Have any of you applied for this scholarship and gotten it? It's a government scholarship, it pays all tution, fees, insurance plus a monthly stipend of just under 1100 a month. Great scholarship and I'm hoping to be able to apply for it. Their application deadline is before my school's acceptance letters are sent out so I'm going to try to contact them about a way to get around that. If any of you have applied for it have you dealt with this specific problem?


Specializes in Trauma ICU, MICU/SICU.
In exchange for at least 2 years service at a health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses
Got this quote from the website. Two years at a facility that is critically short of nurses scares me. I for one would not want to spend my first 2 years as a nurse in a critically short facility. I want to make sure I have a good start and a firm foundation.

Also, would one be required to relocate? Would you have to work in LTC (chronically short handed) as opposed to a hospital? Important questions to ask before taking this one on I think.

Many in my school did not apply because of that two years in a facility, etc. thing.

There is a list you can find on the site--I live near Dallas--the hospital I work at was actually on the list!

And they don't send you, you choose.

The only downside for me was that even though at the time I applied both my husband and I were out of work and had been for a while, because we were careful and didn't have a lot of credit problems, overdue bills, etc., I was not eligible. (Rats!)

Also, there's a place on their form where they want one department of your school to sign and seal it, but in the instructions they say another department is supposed to. When I was completing my app, neither department of the school would do it! Kept saying the other was supposed to.

Good luck!

Originally posted by suemom2kay

Got this quote from the website. Two years at a facility that is critically short of nurses scares me. I for one would not want to spend my first 2 years as a nurse in a critically short facility. I want to make sure I have a good start and a firm foundation.

Also, would one be required to relocate? Would you have to work in LTC (chronically short handed) as opposed to a hospital? Important questions to ask before taking this one on I think.

I called and talked to someone there a few months back and you have a pretty big choice of hospitals. They are pretty liberal with the term critically short. Also, you choose the hospital and you interview etc. When I talked to them they said I could go to school in Vegas, but agree to work with a hospital in any state I want, I just have to do the interview process big deal.

The program is hard to qualify for, you basically can't work, make 0$ a year! We'll see if I can get it! The applications go out in January.

Originally posted by suemom2kay

Got this quote from the website. Two years at a facility that is critically short of nurses scares me. I for one would not want to spend my first 2 years as a nurse in a critically short facility. I want to make sure I have a good start and a firm foundation.

Sadly about the only facilities that don't qualify as critically short are doctor's offices. Hospitals, Red Cross, Clinics, Nursing Homes, Local health departments, etc. It's quite a large list. Almost every facility in the country is considered to be critically short which is why they have this scholarship in the first place thank goodness.

I found that they go by your EFC from your fafsa to determine eligibility. People with EFC's of 0 who are willing to go full time get first pick, then EFC's of 0 going part time, and then it starts choosing ppl with higher EFC's. Luckily I'm in the 0 EFC area and definitely willing to go full time so hopefully I'll have a good shot.

Thanks for your responses.

I'm also interested in this scholarship too - I'm worried about my financial aid and actually being able to afford school next fall if I get into the program.... with the Jeep I won this year being claimed on my income taxes, I'm sure my EFC is going to go WAY up.... not to mention the fact that the fin aid folks don't take into consideration the fact that some people have to quit their FT jobs to go back to college, thus taking that income they went by last year and cutting it WAY down. :(

Originally posted by manna

I'm also interested in this scholarship too - I'm worried about my financial aid and actually being able to afford school next fall if I get into the program.... with the Jeep I won this year being claimed on my income taxes, I'm sure my EFC is going to go WAY up.... not to mention the fact that the fin aid folks don't take into consideration the fact that some people have to quit their FT jobs to go back to college, thus taking that income they went by last year and cutting it WAY down. :(

Manna, you can send in a special circumstances form. they look at this years income and what your YTD is. I'm doing it for this year since I quit my job in May and haven't made any money since I just had to have my office send in a letter stating how much I made and when I quit. You can also add that you won the jeep and that's what happend to your EFC.

You just have to play the game, it takes awhile, but you can get something for this semester.

Originally posted by iliel

Manna, you can send in a special circumstances form. they look at this years income and what your YTD is.

Wow - I had heard about something like that and I even asked the rinky-dink fin aid office at the community college about it, and they looked at me like I had grown a third head.

I'll have to do some research of my own, I guess. Thanks for the input.

Yeah, it's a pain, I've jumped through more hoops than a trained seal.

They are still working on my grants...we'll see if I get them, they lost some paperwork and it put me back a while.


Specializes in ICU.

I have got to know, how did you win a jeep? What game were you playing? That's cool.:cool:

Originally posted by jemommy

I have got to know, how did you win a jeep? What game were you playing? That's cool.:cool:

Thanks! I entered a sweepstakes online at - they gave away two 2004 Jeep Liberty's, and I was lucky enough to be one of those two winners! I picked it up on Halloween and have been LOVING it since! :)

Specializes in CVICU.

Make sure you search the site about this program! I found this link that was enlightening.

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