How well does misogyny work out in your facility?

Nurses General Nursing


An article passed my way last night written by an East Carolina University student arguing about the availability of birth control in the student health center.

What was really disturbing wasn't thebile spewed towards women taking responsibility for themselves (advocate for birth control or not, I'm not here to argue that one). It was that this young man is a senior in the nursing program.

The article was slightly sanitized on the site, but it was captured for all eternity on the internet. I suggest reading it (if you can stomach it!).

That's right! This young man is going to be entering our ranks in a few short months!

Someone who believes that a woman who engages in sex is actually a prostitute.

Someone who wants to be in an industry around a large majority of coworkers that will be offended when he insults them for having a ******** (but he uses the real word).

Someone who wants to be a nurse, but doesn't know that his case of the sniffles is going to be treated with fluids and rest.

If you were a preceptor and one of your students acted like this, what would you think about their ability to provide adequate and equal care? Would a nursing instructor think he was sleeping in his nursing ethics class and not paying attention to the section on triage in his textbook? More importantly, if young Ben Cochran passes his NCLEX and is licensed, what is a nursing manager going to think when she googles his name before the interview and this is the number one hit?

If he becomes a nurse someday, I'm going to be ashamed on behalf of my gender. I apologize in advance to all of you ladies.

ETA: I forgot to mention that I don't believe the apology in the editorial. His Facebook page shows him gloating about receiving all of the attention and hate mail.

Here's some interesting things. The East Carolinian seems to be completely open to the public - as in anyone can post comments. The paper has what is called "Pirate Rants" that alone is disgusting and appaling. You should see what these "fine college students" are writing about each other! The biggest kicker I noticed: Over Half the paper staff are FEMALE, especially the Editor in Chief. :banghead: Either these women are complete idiots or Ben snuck his article in w/out approval. If so, that just shows how even more Ben screwed himself. I bet he has an undiagnosed personality disorder...

read the article and he is lacking in basic medical issues/prescription practices. as many family doctors prescribe bc as do endocrinoligists. not just ob/gyn drs, who are very sparce in some areas... was this perhaps satire?

Here's some interesting things. The East Carolinian seems to be completely open to the public - as in anyone can post comments. The paper has what is called "Pirate Rants" that alone is disgusting and appaling. You should see what these "fine college students" are writing about each other! The biggest kicker I noticed: Over Half the paper staff are FEMALE, especially the Editor in Chief. :banghead: Either these women are complete idiots or Ben snuck his article in w/out approval. If so, that just shows how even more Ben screwed himself. I bet he has an undiagnosed personality disorder...

Allegedly Ben submitted the editorial and the editor told him it was unacceptable. I BELIEVE that the editor or someone in that dept. "cleaned up" the original essay. However, the original was somehow "mistakenly" available online in addition to the edited version.

The editor has apologized for the "mistake" which allowed the unedited version of the opinion piece to be available, but has defended publishing the edited version in the name of "freedom of expression." So I suppose if someone submitted a rant detailing hate and disgust about African Americans or Jews, the piece would be published in the name of "freedom of expression?" I think not, but somehow it's okay to publish misogynist hate pieces since the target only happens to be women. Very poor judgment on the part of the editor, and even more surprising given that she is female.

IMHO, using words like "gaping hole" "hachet wound" and referring to "pest control" to take care of their "c**t" is pretty malicious language toward women. He also references "Media stars" "sex mongers" and "harlots" and "sultry sex fiends" to refer to the "preemie sl**s" picking up their birth contol.

That comes across as pretty hostile. But the author does reveal a lot more about himself in the article than I think he intended. That's the great thing about freedom of speech -- you give people enough rope, eventually they will hang themselves. He has done that in a pretty spectacular way.

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

This kid's conduct reminds me of another case that was thoroughly discussed here at AN:

And the outcome of the earlier case:

Specializes in PACU, OR.

I can't open the "Courier" article (Page cannot be found etc) but apart from falling foul of the University admin, I don't see a similarity. Unless, of course, she sounded off about a specific race or gender.

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