Published Mar 16, 2017
4 Posts
Is there any advice on how to get through pre-nursing? I am in my second semester of prerequisites and I am struggling. Any advice would be really appreciated.
1,093 Posts
can you tell us which courses you are struggling with. With that said, do you know why you are struggling? First, you have to understand the cause of your struggles. Is it the content that you are not understanding? is it the test-taking skills you are lacking? Is it the course load is too big (15 + credits)? Is motivation an issue? You have to be able to answer to all these questions to figure out how you can help yourself.
ItsThatJenGirl, CNA
1,978 Posts
Struggling with what?
OliveOyl91, BSN, RN
293 Posts
You've already taken a step in the right direction by recognizing that you're struggling and asking for help. Which classes are you struggling with? Are you a relatively new student? How many classes are you currently taking? Is it the sheer amount of work to be done or the material itself?
Keep in contact with your teachers and advisers, reach out to your fellow students, and look into what sort of tutoring services are available at your school.
33 Posts
Like previous posters have suggested letting us in on what exactly you are struggling with would be helpful: specific classes? Length of time it takes to complete pre-req work? Applying for nursing programs? Rejection/denials?
I'll just say as a broad bit of advice: hang in there. Take your downtime seriously, it is hard work and it is time consuming but so is nursing school from what I understand; so it is unlikely to slow down. Watch a movie, drink a beer (if you're of age) and try and relax for a few hours. The schoolwork will still be there. Sometimes the best thing you can do is just walk away for a little bit, because the pressure of it all is too much; then when you come back to it, you can really tackle it and manage it again.
Maybe take a look at your time management? Are you packing too much into too small of a time frame? Break it up over the week if possible. Things like that.
If nothing else, know that you are not alone, it is tough for all of us hustling to get it done. I felt like that year it took me to finish up my pre-reqs would NEVER I am waiting to hear if I got accepted into the programs I applied to so, it continues! HA!
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
Talk to your faculty. Weekly if needed. So many students try to modify their study habits, work in groups and never reach out to the person with the most knowledge and experience- the faculty.
Also, I see a large number of student who study flashcards/ test banks and the like and never take a deep and repeated dive into the actual textbook.
Wiggly Litchi
476 Posts
This!! So many of the people I tutor complain that they get poor test grades, so I ask them how they studied - very few will say that they read the text book; most say "Well, I found someone's quizlet..."
Read the material - I know, it's a long slog, especially through A&P 1, 2, Micro, chemistry etc but it's important to take your time and read it. Cement that knowledge, read paragraphs multiple times if you need to THEN if you feel like you'd benefit from flashcards, use quizlet but make your own set in your own words. It's a critical step in the understanding process that people are skipping because they feel like someone's done the hard work for them, I mean, why not use the resources available?
Putting material into your own words really helps to drill it into you in a way that makes sense to you; by all means, go ahead and use other people's flashcards too once you feel like you have a good grasp of the material as you want to be used to seeing the questions worded in different ways. A fair few of my students say "I knew that, but the teacher's wording was off..." The professor won't ask questions that are word-for-word from the slides - it takes proper comprehension of the material before you'll get the hang of it.
Flashcards etc, they are the building blocks, but the textbook truly is the cement.
I'm struggling with Psychology 101. I have a C average right now. My motivation is lacking as well. Between work and kids I'm tired. I'm not sure if I can keep up this pace .
482 Posts
I would slow it down then. How many classes are you taking right now?
7 Posts
Have you ever tired recording lectures? I find that very helpful.
As of right now I am only taking two classes. Anything more than that and I get too overwhelmed.
I dont mean to be rude or mean, but what are you going to do when you actually start your nursing classes? I easily put in 30 hours a week, JUST studying for my nursing class, and thats not including clinicals. Its only going to get harder.