Published May 23, 2012
341 Posts
Yes, this is a rant. I gotta vent!
Im in my second term of an ADN, and this is all in pharmacology. Let's call her Maggie.
Maggie shows up late almost every day. One day, she walked in and sat down for about 5 minutes, got up, and walked back out. Returned a moment later, and explained to the dean (who was temporarily instructing our class) that she had forgotten her book. Dean says, "um.. Not cool ok?" Maggie sighs, "whatever". and sits back down.
She's constantly muttering things under her breath, rude things about other classmates. Another day, we had another Dean something or other answering questions about accreditation during class ( a waste of time I know, but that's another story...) Anytime someone would ask a question, Maggie would mutter something just loud enough for me (who was sitting next to her) to hear. Something along the lines of, "how can you be so stupid?" Stop wasting my time with your stupid bull****", or "why can't you just shut up allready, you don't know anything'. What really got me was when she said "you're not here for some dumb degree, you're here to be an RN". I don't know about everyone, but the program IM in, is an ADN, meaning I will graduate with an associates degree. This was all going on while Dean and Instructor are talking in front of the class.
Yesterday, during class, Instructor says in the middle of lecture "Everyone awake, no sleeping in my class". I look behind me, and sure enough Maggie has her head down on her desk. After Instructor asks her, she still leaves her head down. About 10 minutes later we all get up for a break, and I look over, and Maggie is still laying down on her desk.
I'm pretty fortunate that most of the people I go to school with a pretty awesome, I've made some really good friends, and this chick is the only one that is really starting to get on my nerves. It's frustrating, she's rude to everyone and disruptive all the time. We start clinicals next term, and I HOPE that she's not in my group. One more nasty comment in the middle of class from her, and I don't know if I will be able to not call her out on it front of everyone. She deserves it.
And this know it all attitude? Where does it come from? She's not a CNA, or LPN, or PCT. She's a unit secretary. She does paperwork. Yes, unit secretary/ward clerk, whatever ya call it, is an important job. However, being a unit clerk does not qualify you to teach nursing courses, so stop acting like it does.
4,547 Posts
When I read your story, I picture her looking like a lady who is in my CNA class. Just as rude and has a very string attitude of self-importance. I think there's one in every group. She's been called out by the instructor a couple of times so she has simmered down. It makes me respect those schools that have entrance interviews for their programs a little more. As much as I hate the idea of advocating any kind of judgment, it would be nice to minimize the rudeness and terrible attitudes.
51 Posts
Ugh. There is always going to be a "Maggie" anywhere you go. I know that doesn't make the situation any better but maybe sit somewhere else so you don't have to listen to her negativity? People like her usually don't make the best nurses.
46 Posts
Sleeping through lecture? Knows it ll already? You might not have to worry about her for very long
Also, you haven't started clinicals yet. You can get by with this junk in lecture, but it won't (or shouldn't) be tolerated with any sort of semi-decent clinical instructor.
Yes, I'm pretty confident she won't be around too long. She'll get what's coming to her.
53 Posts
The muttering under her breath among other things you describe makes me think she may have some mental illness. "Normal" people don't act that way, it's embarrassing to themselves. Her inability to see that really makes me think something isn't quite right with her mind.
shay&lynn, ASN, RN
397 Posts
Crossing my fingers 'Maggie' isn't my nurse...let alone my families nurse someday.
38,333 Posts
If you have assigned seating, ask the instructor to change seats and tell him why.
60 Posts
Wow...thats all i can say. I used to have a girl like that in my CNA class. The instructor told us we were not to use our phones in the classroom, even at break time. If we really had to use our phone, we should step outside. This girl sits in front of the class, first row and you already know she has to be stubborn and do her own thing. The instructor gets mad and threatens to have her expelled from the class, and the girl starts arguing with her, saying she never heard her say we could not use our phones in class during break time.
This just goes to show you, soon enough that Maggie girl will be out of your hair before you know it.
Pneumothorax, BSN, RN
1,180 Posts
lol what a pompous dumba** bonehead!
Just accept her stupidity, and know that she wont be around for much long, but she is def. irritating. I got annoyed just reading your post hahah
kgh31386, BSN, MSN, RN
815 Posts
My advice...let it go. She may study before and after class and know the material just fine(don't judge or assume). I was never one to take notes in lecture, but that's just how I was. I would actually sit and draw sketches in my sketch book....and that would help the lecture sink in even more. I found that being comfortable was key for me. Graduated with honors, grad school and the like. Did people talk about me not paying attention? Did they say I cheated? yep and yep. To each his or her own....let it go. And the accreditation talk, it is kind of important lol. If they pull the schools credentials, your degree means jack squat. I had a teacher who had gotten her PhD, her school went under and lost the accreditation, they actually took away her doctorate. So yeah, important just a bit.