How does prn home health nursing work?

Specialties Home Health


I have been a stay at home mom for the last year, but I'm thinking about getting into HH prn or part time once my daughter starts going to school. Can anyone give me information about how prn HH nursing works exactly? Do you get assigned a certain number of clients to see each week? Do you see the same clients over and over, or do you see different ones every week? Also, will they train you? I've never done HH nursing before so any information would be appreciated! One more thing...any HH nurses with experience with HH agencies in the Oklahoma City area?

So are you only required to work the 2 weekend days? Or is that being on call for a weekend a month on top of working other days?

That's agency dependent.

Specializes in Hospice.
That's agency dependent.

She was talking to Far, just didn't quote.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

I work in the school system, so I have summer's off and I do HH prn. I worked for them for 8 years prior, so I am comfortable doing prn now. My Home Health agency is a little different than most ( although I didn't know that until I started reading posts here) in that we are paid hourly and not per visit. You go to the office at 8/8:30, get with the other nurses working that day to divide up visits, do your visits when it works out with you/patient, then back to the office for charting/dr. calls, etc. If all visits are done, nurses work on chart audits, insurance recerts, ect. until time to go home. Being PRN, I usually just go whenever I am done, unless they are behind on something I can help them catch up on.

Specializes in kids.
I am an RN. I've worked 11 years in the hospital in mother/baby. I'm just looking for an option where I can work a few days a week during the hours my daughter is in school. Does that sound feasible in HH?

Have you ever thought of substitute school nursing?

Have you ever thought of substitute school nursing?

No, I haven't, but it sounds like a good idea. Don't you need to be specially certified for school nursing? I do have a BSN.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

It depends on your state. I don't have to have any special certification in my state.

Depends on the agency. I started with 3 visits and worked my way to a full load of 6. I have to take call, work weekends and holidays. I have a coworker who just moved to an agency where call, holidays and weekends are optional and you get a bonus if you do them. As a per diem, I can chose my territory, number of visits and days I will work except for the required weekends, holidays and call.

My post is not up yet but I want to add that I am an RN and I do not case manage a caseload of patients. I just do visits.

My post is not up yet but I want to add that I am an RN and I do not case manage a caseload of patients. I just do visits.

Thank you for the reply. I found an agency that has a need for well baby visits. I would see up to 10 patients a week, give or take, and they said each visit is about 20-30 minutes, an hour at most. No call, nights, or weekends.

Try an agency that does mother/baby for new mothers. I think you could work at your convenience.

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