How many are in your year's class?

Nurses Announcements Archive


I noticed in the Nursing Administration office the other day that the large frames with the class pictures are getting smaller and smaller. Each year's graduating class has individual pictures taken and they are all put into a large frame and hung on the wall. As you go down the wall you notice subtle changes. Like the year they stopped wearing their nursing cap for pictures, or the year they started wearing individual uniforms instead of all the same one. One year they started wearing their school nursing pin but didn't have them the years before.

Anyway. The smaller the frame got the more I was wondering how our class measured up. We have somewhere close to 70 students starting in August. A certain percent will make it to the second year and then a certain percent of those will actually graduate. Then of course a percent of those will pass the boards. Each obstacle seems to dwindle us down. A&P weeded out alot of people. But that was before we even started the program.

So what I want to know is, how many were accepted into your first year?

And if your further on in your studies, how many have made it as far as you are from the starting group.

I believe we had like 64 start back in January by the last day we were down to like about 35 or 36 students. I am curious to see how many will be back for this year hopefully the rest stayed but wherever they are I wish them the best. Most of them are really wonderful people.

I just graduated this may. Our class started out with 60-65, and only 29 members of the original group graduated on time. Some dropped out, some were repeating semesters, and we lost quite a few in the last semester.

However, we did keep picking up students along the way from other classes, so the grand total that graduated with me was around 40 students.

From what I've seen, those that have to repeat courses keep on trying; I know of very few who quit the nursing program all together.

Hi, just thought I would jump in here and add my thoughts.

The graduates this year where I attend college were at 45.

I will graduate in May 2002, so this fall and spring are my final 2 semesters. Our class started out last summer at 130, after a mandatory clinical calculations course we take every summer semester (for those incoming) we were down to 90, some just failed this course, others chose not to attend for personal reasons. We are now down to 43 and I hope we dont lose many more in the next 2 semesters.

Our college still has the nursing students wear all white with a college patch on the shoulder and we wear nursing caps for our pictures. We also wear pins. I think these are nice traditions to carry on and hope they dont change this.


Hi, PedRNStudent - I noticed that you live in Atlanta. What school are you going to?

Specializes in NICU.

I could be mistaken here, but I believe that in our class, a two-year ADN program, we started with probably 140-150 people (two classes of 70-75 people each). In that first semester, by the time we took our final exam, there were only probably 50 people left. Everyone else had either dropped out or quit or had been failing, etc. In the second and third semesters, these 50 people moved on, and were combined with others who had been ahead of us but were repeating, or had taken a leave of absence and were returning, etc. At the end of our third semester, we had probably 100 people between two classes. I expect, judging by OUR pictures hanging in the hallway, that at the end of this coming semester, we will have about 60-70 people actually graduate and go on to take the NCLEX. Half of those people will be repeaters or whoever; only about 1/2 (again, estimating) will actually be people who started out together with my class. Very interesting....

My program only accepts 50 students a year, and has a Minimum ACT score of 26. It is a mandatory 4 year program, meaning that if you come in to the University and major in something else for a year, even if you are a sophomore, you still have to spend years in the program, so you might end up spending 5-6 years here if you are not accepted as a Freshman.

My University is a little different than most. We are the only highly selective public university in Midwest. The average ACT score on campus for incoming freshman in 30. 25 is the lower limit. But the wierd thing is, we have an extremely high drop out rate. My nursing program started out with 50 students, 23 are left, and 6 of the ones who are left were worried at the end of the year that they might not have the GPA to stay. (We have to keep over a 3.0 to stay in the program). I am not sure how many we will have left when school restarts on the 27th.

Lucky for me, all the girls that I have gotten really close to are hard workers, so I havent lost any friends out of the program :) 2 semesters left!


I'm from Macon, which is about 1 1/2 hrs south of Atlanta. I go to Macon State College.

Brandy - what is ACT?

The ACT is a test that must be taken in Many states to gain acceptance to a college. It is like the SATs.

The web site is

A perfect score is a 36, the national average score is around 15-16.

Does that help?


At my school, also a four yr. BSN, nobody is officially a nursing student until their sophomore year. Anybody who wants to be can be a pre nursing student, only 90 people are admitted to the soph. yr. Our class started with 130 freshman year, and now it's down to somewhere between 70-80 (with two years to go)

Specializes in Perinatal/neonatal.

ACT scores are used often in admissions for college acceptance and course placement. I know of three people at my last college (a very rural community college in Mississippi) that scored the perfect score! (I thought it was 36???) :cool:

Graduated in May.

Our program started out with 65, by the end of the first semester we were down to 46 (I believe) and we had 42 walk across the stage.

Good luck to all :D

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