How many questions did you get on your NCLEX


So I took my NCLEX and I got around 165-170 questions has anyone passed with this amount of questions it just seems so odd to me I'm reading around and seeing a couple of people passed around this number and a lot didn't to scared to do the trick or check for my name

I stopped at 85 questions. Just because you got that many questions does not mean that you failed. I know someone who took the RN NCLEX and passed with 265 questions and I know someone who took the LPN NCLEX and failed at 85 questions. Just do the PVT trick and or look up your name, you will have to find out anyway. Good Luck

Specializes in Trauma Surgical ICU.

You can pass or fail with any number of questions from the minimum to the maximum:)

Good luck

Isn't there only 265 maximum questions to NCLEX? It could go both ways. You can get to 265 and pass or fail. The amount doesn't matter. If you pass at 75 questions you did very well, if you failed at 75 you tanked that exam probably. If the exam just keeps going it probably meant you were inconsistent or fluctuating between the passing level questions and the test couldn't decide if you were more above the passing level or not so you end up answering more. It all really depends.

Isn't there only 265 maximum questions to NCLEX? It could go both ways. You can get to 265 and pass or fail. The amount doesn't matter. If you pass at 75 questions you did very well if you failed at 75 you tanked that exam probably. If the exam just keeps going it probably meant you were inconsistent or fluctuating between the passing level questions and the test couldn't decide if you were more above the passing level or not so you end up answering more. It all really depends.[/quote']

For RN yes 265 is the max amount of questions

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

For LPN 205 is max (85 min). I believe RN is 265 max 75 min

For RN yes 265 is the max amount of questions

Oh! I read "265-270" not 165-170, sorry.

I passed in 75 questions, you are potentially able to get 265 questions with the CAT they use.

From my cohort, here are their numbers and pass/fail rates that I remember:










This was from a select group of my 120 person cohort, this was more or less the few people I studied with...

you can pass in the 165-170 range and a lot of people have done so.

Specializes in PD,Nxstage,hemo.

I passed with 95 (RN-Nclex)

Thanks for all the comments and well wishes I passed!!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg/urology.

I got 85 on my LPN and 75 on my RN..but I don't think it matters as long as you pass! I had a couple of classmates fail at 75 :-(

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