Published Jan 1, 2014
19 Posts
Hi everyone, I was just wondering how many classes are you guys taking this Spring? I'm taking 4 and one is a CNA class. I was wondering if anyone has any study tips, time management advice for me? I'm not getting any hours at work at the moment, so I can focus on school work but I really have to study hard and put my all into my school work as school has always been hard for me. Any suggestions would helpful, thanks in advance.
pmabraham, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,567 Posts
Good day: is an excellent article. What I do is ask for the syllabi in advance, then work out a study plan. I block out a minimum of two hours of study per credit hour per week with the exception that I treat hard sciences as six credits rather than four credits. I also recommend recording lectures, and re-listening to them every chance you can do so.
This January, I'll be taking four classes worth 14 credits.
Thank you.
94 Posts
I'm taking 3,one is a cna class as well!!!!! I'm trying to work out my own study plan & time plan to study also! Goodluck
184 Posts
I'm taking four classes, one of which is a science, so it'll have lab plus lecture. I find that reading the chapters before lecture, then taking notes while highlighting anything that is not making sense to me, works best for me. That way I know exactly what areas I need to go back and dig deep with. Then I make up flashcards as I go along, so that I am not cramming them in just before exams. I also like to do study groups, if possible. I find that I do significantly better on tests where I have done quizzing and explaining back and forth with other students.
67 Posts
I'm taking 3 classes: physiology, microbiology, and statistics. I swore to myself that I wont get another 8am class whenever I can, it's so much of a bummer. Study tip: always, always, always study in advance. Read the book whenever you can or any material required in class. You may not understand everything you read but still do it! As long as you can recall some terms in what you read, it will make sense once you recall some words and make connections while the professor is discussing. When I did anatomy, the professor did not recommend reading the book. I still did since I dont want to waste time. It's a huge help if you know at least some of the material. Also, biology classes are best remembered by looking at how the big picture works, then every small detail will make sense along the way.
I'm taking physiology, microbiology, statistics (all with labs), pathophysiology, and abnormal psychology. I use ratemyprofessor and I know I'm going to have to read before I go to class and look over any extra information that comes from blackboard. I keep up with my assignment due dates and tests by reading the syllabi the first day of classes and saving all the dates in my calendar app on my phone. I also set several reminders for each assignment. Then I make a study plan that includes about 2-4 things to get done everyday. Remember, study groups are important. Choose wisely.
21 Posts
I'm taking A&P II w/lab, ASL II, and 3 rec therapy classes for a total of 14 units. My longest days will be 7:30 am-7:15 pm (yikes!) But the best advice I can give is to go through each class syllabus and write down important dates in a planner. And study during any break you have! Good luck!
604 Posts
4 classes. 2 are sciences, both with labs .. then 2 other classes.
VampyrSlayer, CNA
546 Posts
Syllabus is your best friend! Don't forget you time or else you will get burnt out like I did last semester. I managed 2 As and a B but I coulda probably gotten all As if I hadn't been burnt out towards the end. I also had a white board inside my bedroom door that I wrote upcoming due dates on. Whenever I left my room I'd see them and get motivated to do work.
116 Posts
I'm taking four! General psychology, nutrition, English II, and intro to computer applications.
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
I'm taking 4. My math class is 6 credit hours though so that is going to be a long class. My advanced physiology is 4 credit hours so I have 16 this semester. I'm also taking psych and sociology. Last semester I had 5 classes but less credit hours so I think this semester may be a little harder. I just work on managing my time well and I make sure I fit homework and studying in when I can. Which is usually before my son gets home from school and weekends.
nekozuki, LPN
356 Posts
6 classes (18 credits). But only one course is science (micro), and two of them are insipid froo-froo bullcrap that are required for my honors program. I did the 18-credit thing last semester with much more difficult classes and came out with my 4.0 intact, so I'm not sweating it too much.
I buy flashcards by the truckload, record lectures when they cover reviews, study in small increments over a few days (as opposed to desperate binges/cramming), and I tutor others, which forces me to master the material. Study buddies and study groups are great too, not just for the extra help, but because people can motivate each other.