How many classes are you taking this fall?

Nurses Announcements Archive


  1. How busy are we going to be this fall?

    • 6
      5 or more
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How many classes are you taking this upcoming fall semester?

Rural Public Health

Care Coordination/Staff Management

Critical Care Nursing

Death, Dying, and Bereavment

Professional Socialization (capstone)

and my last core- American Institutional History.

Busy semester, 17 hours!


I'm doing pre reqs, but I am going 15 this semester, I took nine for the summer....It wasn't that bad. One of me classes was on the internet and it ran 12 weeks while I took 1 summer 1 and 1 summer II......good luck all

pharmacology, nursing skills i, nursing theory, clinical i 10 hours this semester.


Nursing Fundamentals (5 units)

Psychiatric Nursing (3 units)

I am taking the last of the 2 pre reqs this fall. Micro and AP2.


I have:

OB theory

OB clinical

Pedi theory

Pedi clinical

11 hours so we're not considered full time - but with all the contact hours we have, it feels like it! :rolleyes:

Well guys,

my subjects for fall will be;

Freshman English1, college Algebra/finite math, Into to Sociology(SYG 2000), Historical perspective.

These are my first prerequisites.

I have 4 classes this fall...

Community Health nursing theory & clinical

Psych nursing & clinical

I got a couple classes out of the way this summer so I could have a light load this fall. Boy, that will be nice for once!

Populations Based Care: Rural Cultural

Health Assessment: Basis for Professional Practice

Pysiological Responses to Alterations in Health

Chemical, Herbal, and Nutritional Therapies

... only 12 hours this semester, but next 16!!!!

A&P I and Miro

Also working 25 hours a week.

I will have a busy schedule on my hands. I will have

1. pharmacology-2 credit hours

2. health management-4credit hours

3. professional practice 1-5credit hours not including clinical hours for the clinical portion of the class

4. nursing seminar 1- 2hours which will discuss the history of nursing, legal aspects, grand rounds discussions, critical thinking

5. ethical theory- 3 credit hours.

My ethical theory class is a night class one night a week but the other 4 are nursing classes during the day which is every day and lets out at 12:00 except one day a week we will not get out till 4:00.

I am so excited I cannot wait until I start. My school starts 8/22/01. We were already give our first assignment and I have already begun reading and studying the assigned readings and IV calculations.

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