How long does it take to become an RN?


About how many years does it take to be a RN? Thats including taking your pre-requisites and also nursing school?

Depends on the route you take. ADN vs BSN or Accelerated program

Also depends on the school you choose.

In total, it will take me 3.5 years to become an RN. 2 years for pre-reqs + 1.5 yrs for nursing school. In contrast, the BSN program closest to me would have taken me 5 years. 2 years for pre-reqs and 3 years for nursing school.

I'm taking all my pre requisits in 10 months, then it will be 1.4 month to graduate from the school of nursing. After that the bachelor only takes a year to complete.

It will take me 3 years, 1 year being pre-reqs.

for me I started prereqs in Jan 2010, and should graduate from my diploma program in Oct 2012, so 22 months total for me.

It all is going to depend on what path you choose to go. How fast you can get through prereqs, are you taking them full time, taking classes summers, what prereqs your program requires(some require more), if you have to take prereqs for your prereqs(like intro bio before you are able to take a&p or micro), and if schedualling will work out to allow you to get them in quickly. How long it takes to get into your nursing program....some places have wait lists. And then how long the program is. Does it go durning summer terms, is it accelerated.

i started at a community college in 2007, not really knowing what i was doing. i just signed up for classes that my advisor recommended, and half of them were just space fillers. i suggest that no matter where you go figure out on your own exactly what classes you need to take. don't just listen to what your "advisor" says, b/c half the time they just stick you where ever unless you give them some direction.

in 2008 i found out i was pregnant, so i took a year off to have my daughter.

i went back in july 2009, finished up my pre-requisites.

i recieved my acceptance letter april 2010.

i started my first actual nursing class this past august (2010) and i will graduate may 2012.

so it will have taken me a total of 5 years, however take away the year i took off to have my daughter, and the year i spent just taking nonsense classes, it would've taken me 3 years.

& i am in an associates degree program.

whitney, sn


The times can also be extended based on where you test in. Quite a few students have to take remedial classes because their highschool didn't prep them for college.

Specializes in CNA.
About how many years does it take to be a RN? Thats including taking your pre-requisites and also nursing school?

Started taking prereqs Fall of 2007, will finish Associate Degree RN program Spring of 2011. Had about one semester of downtime after applying for the nursing program in Feb of 2009 and starting it in August of 2009.

About 3 years. :) About 1 year for pre-reqs and 2 years for nursing classes. My school is year round though.

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