How do I know I am smart enough to become a RN?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I keep doubting myself telling myself I am not smart enough to be a RN. I am 36, I work 24 hours a week as a PCA. I love my job and I think I am darn good at it. I am just so scared of failing out. How did you know you were smart enough to do it?

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

Fail. There are tons of threads on this on this board, how Mrs. or Mr. 4.0 prereq student is now getting Cs on their exams.

Ah, ok.

I can agree with that to a point. I have a bit of an issue with a classmate constantly asking me my grades and then saying "Oh, you're just a good test taker." I'm not JUST a good test taker. I work hard(ish). I'm intelligent. All of that plays a part in my grades.

But without good test taking skills and critical thinking, all the intelligence and work will only get you so far in this game. I have so,e brilliant, knowledgeable friends who are happy to just pass, and it sucks.

Ive never considered that "not being smart enough" was a valid idea. I see myself as an RN in a hospital in the labor and delivery unit. And guess what? In a few years thats where I am going to be. I have gotten out of the habit of saying to my fiance "If I pass", "If I become an RN", NO its "WHEN I BECOME AN RN"! If you want it bad enough, you will work your butt off to get it!

Fail. There are tons of threads on this on this board, how Mrs. or Mr. 4.0 prereq student is now getting Cs on their exams.

Nursing school requires different academic skills than prerequisites. Some of that is intelligence and some of it is learning different styles of thinking and analysis. We don't all have the same intellectual abilities so we're not all going to do as well, but that doesn't mean that the folks doing well in nursing school are "just good test takers." The good test takers I know all happen to be smart people too.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

Nursing school requires different academic skills than prerequisites. Some of that is intelligence and some of it is learning different styles of thinking and analysis. We don't all have the same intellectual abilities so we're not all going to do as well, but that doesn't mean that the folks doing well in nursing school are "just good test takers." The good test takers I know all happen to be smart people too.

Nursing school requires more than memorization and regurgitation. That can get you a 4.0 in other classes. I've seen it happen. The 4.0's who can't think their way out of a paper bag. That's where our education system is failing. and obviously They are not good test takers, because the test aren't filled with facts or knowledge based questions.

To the OP: you don't need a 4.0. But you do need common sense. And you need the desire to go above and beyond your textbook, PowerPoint notes and the bare minimum that is required in the care plans. You need to take the initiative and responsibility to learn things on your own. if you have a question, think it through before you raise your hand or e-mail your professor. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.


Wow now I am scared.

What is it that causes a 4.0 student to drop so suddenly? Is it the hands on clinicals or the mass amount of knowledge in tests?

I would assume that people with 4.0 are good test what would hold them back besides actually doing the real work?

Nursing school requires different academic skills than prerequisites. Some of that is intelligence and some of it is learning different styles of thinking and analysis. We don't all have the same intellectual abilities so we're not all going to do as well, but that doesn't mean that the folks doing well in nursing school are "just good test takers." The good test takers I know all happen to be smart people too.


Can you explain what tests are usually like in nursing school? Like what do you need to get A's in nursing school? I'm not great w/ tests as I tend to contradict myself and I get nervous.

I have to work harder than other people to get A's on my exams. Thanks!


Can you explain what tests are usually like in nursing school? Like what do you need to get A's in nursing school? I'm not great w/ tests as I tend to contradict myself and I get nervous.

I have to work harder than other people to get A's on my exams. Thanks!

There's a ton of info on the student forums here on NCLEX style questions and strategies to do well in nursing school. Start with the Stickies at the bottom of the forums, do some searches, and you'll have a better idea of what to expect in nursing school.


Did you get into Nursing School? I've been feeling the same way. I just got done with pre-req's and applied in December. Unfortunately, I didn't get in, so I'm feeling a little discouraged. Sometimes I don't feel smart enough to make it:(

I have these thoughts all the time, particularly when I hear horror stories about how difficult nursing school is and how easy it is to fail in many nursing programs. The truth is, you can't know for sure right now if you will succeed...but you also can't know if you will fail. The best thing you can do is just take it day by day. If you let your fear of failure keep you from pursuing it, you'll always wonder "what if". So have some faith and some confidence and put your all into it. My guess is that you'll be surprised by how much you can accomplish.

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