How hard is sociology ?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing

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hi guys. After years of thinking and waiting, I finally make up my mind I will start my pre -requisites this coming semester. I will take english, math, biology and sociology. I dont work but i have a preschooler at home with me after her school. I have been reading math and bio books , it isnot easy for me . I am thinking if i should drop sociology this semester. I never went to college before . my english writing is very bad !! I took some bio before so i know what bio class like but what is sociology course like ? is it very hard ? dose it need lots of essay writing ? i watched the SOC lecture on youtube . I found it so boring , if i was in the classroom listening i will be dozing off i take soc. i will take it online.

if you have taken this course before. please give me some idea and tips to get through it. Thank you.

Sociology was the most ridiculous class I took before getting into nursing school. Very easy and unneeded in my opinion.

It depends on the school but I have taken 2 separate sociology courses at my school and they were very easy. We didn't have a lot of papers, just study and read the book to get the sociological perspectives right.

It wasn't too bad. Nothing to be scared of. Soc. was one of the easiest prereqs, along with philosphy.

I took sociology at a university. It wasn't a difficult course at all. I remember writing two papers(based upon a theory), three or four tests, and small group activities. I would definitely understand the concept that all people are different and respond to life situations differently based on their specific culture, religion, family beliefs and etc. Also, understanding the required readings made it less difficult to write papers. Good Luck!

Specializes in CVICU.

Sociology is a really straightforward class. I loved it! It was one of my favorite classes.

Specializes in Psych,Peds,MedSurg,Tele,OB,Subacute.

Well first of all every class is different, so its kind of hard to compare. Teachers make the class in many ways. For me, I took sociology last semester, I had a really laid back teacher, but she taught us so much. it has been one of my favorite classes thus far! We did write a couple of essays, but sociology is not one of those black and white subjects. My teacher's goal was to basically get that across to us, to encourage us to consider other ideas, cultures, beliefs, etc. Depending if that sort of thing interests you will probably make the difference of how you like the class. my favorite part of the class was the discussions...everything turned into a discussion, which was awesome to hear opinions and ideas from other walks of life. Good luck and I hope you get something enjoyable from it!!

Specializes in critical care.

A lot of great feedback here. What I would second is the professor will be the determine factor, and consider dropping one of the other 3 classes instead. While you may be able to "Wing it" in a general bio class because it is more memorization than anything, your first English class will likely be writing, and math you genuinely have to learn. School with preschoolers is hard enough, especially in your first semester back. Make it as easy on yourself as you can that first semester so you can pave a good road to success. As a previous poster said, you will need As and Bs in all of your classes to get accepted.Good luck to you!!!

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