Published Jan 13, 2018
13 Posts
After I ate lunch, a patient said my breath smelled like garlic and pasta which was what I had for lunch. I was so embarrassed, I wished I couldve just passed out right there. That way, I can go to the ER and my breath would be the last thing on anyones minds. I tried to appear unbothered by it and said I had pasta with some garlic in it for lunch. But after I got done with her, I went to the break room and sprayed some perfume on myself. I barely even had time to eat. I dont want to chew gum because thats unprofessional and unsanitary. Could I cover potent smells with breath mints?
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,204 Posts
Why not just brush your teeth after you eat.
Pepper The Cat, BSN, RN
1,790 Posts
Don't eat garlic at work.
And perfume will not cover bad breath.
6,999 Posts
Fill this up with Listerine and take to work. To freshen your breath, flip the top and squirt a shot into your mouth. Swish and gargle.
385 Posts
Most perfumes are just about as bad as garlic anyway
38,333 Posts
Carry a travel size bottle of mouth wash along with a travel tooth brush kit and use them after lunch. Don't eat food with a strong odor.
3 Posts
I find a bite of apple works well to mitigate garlic smells. Dessert?
Plus you are entitled by law to a 30 minute break. You need to take that break. Don't cheat yourself. Plan your day and workload so that you indeed take your break then you can eat and brush your teeth and maybe even use the toilet!
NurseSpeedy, ADN, LPN, RN
1,599 Posts
Smart mouth makes travel packets. Tear, swish, and go. Or just bring a toothbrush.