I really don't know how to start and where to go. All of you know the story with my super duper work environment and my American coworkers nurses who yelled up to front "you will going back in your country", American jobs for Americans! Now the thinks started to become, worst and worst. I addressed the issues to HR. Work environment became hostile, poisoned ! Need to be out f there. Accountability on medical acts, none nada. If you dare to ask, is a problem, if you don't is again a problem, one hand cover another hand and both of them cover their ***. Who is accountable of something....nobody!
Easy life, no responsibility, big money, few hours.... American dream, looool!
Asked for some measures to be done, because is an unsafe to work in these conditions. Nada. If I use my PTO until they will find a measure is wrong if not and ask for leave of absence is again wrong and I could be dismissed. Catty nurses hung up together, Zuzi is a target, we know Zuzi she is not going to the church, we know her she is not with our colors also, she talk to much, she think to much, she is not like us, she is on AN....... not Zuzi here!
How you deal with something like that? Someone was worked before in a hostile work environment created by purpose to make you to resign???