Homeopathic Disaster NCLEX style


Specializes in Cardiac ICU, Med/Surg, Ob/Gyn Onc.

Hi everybody,

I took the NCLEX today and got absolutely clobbered with herbal, homeopathic, and essential oils questions. Over enteric peppermint oil, lavender, Ma Hung, Ginseng, skull cap, black cohosh, to valerian..... and those are just the ones I remember. Needless to say I was not at all prepared for that and am not looking forward to my test results (pretty convinced I flunked).

I took two review classes (one through school and one through work), and no mention of any of this at all. At least I was able to figure out some of it...but was totally unaware that Ma Hung = Ephedra. The test questions (yes, several) did not provide Ephedra in addition to the name Ma Hung.

I have studied diligently every day for at least 4 hours over the last 3 months for this exam, and am currently very discouraged and disappointed.

Just thought I share the homeopathic NCLEX side with everybody...maybe it's helpful to some of you.

Specializes in Home Health, Primary Care.

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I took mine on Sat. and got only about 2 or 3 or them. You never know though, you may have done better than you thought. Just keep the faith.

Hopefully they are the non "real test question" remeber you get 15 of those!

I don't know how true this is, but I've heard that the questions on herbs are part of the pilot questions that don't count against you. Hopefully you got only 15 of those. :) I'm sure you did well on the test. I'll be thinking good thought for you! :)

Specializes in Cardiac ICU, Med/Surg, Ob/Gyn Onc.

Apparently you all were right and these questions are part of the pilot questions for future tests. I found out this morning that I passed the NCLEX!

Thank you to all of you for all your kind words!

I got 3 (garlic, ecinasea, herbal teaching) questions. I knew only answer for garlic. As well, I got a question about Progressive Relaxation Technique and how it properly done. Hmmm??? I read later that it is a specific muscle relax. technique.

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