I'm finally cleared to work. It took so long cuz they do PPD rather than a quantatative for TB exposure, and I've been having local reactions to the PPD for ten plus years with negative quants but noooooo, new employees jump through many hoops. Just in time for the giant red wheal on my PPD arm to stop itching 24/7 . . . at least I won't have to do THAT again. Then my CXR looked 'funny' to the doc in the box where I got it done, so he wanted a radiologist to read it, adding a few more days to my wait (funny lung stuff went right over the rad's head, so I guess I'm OK).
I'm cleared to work with all variety of clients except for vent dependent patients. There are a lot of Youtube videos posted by agencies for training purposes, and I've watched loads of them. The most common vent in the Youtube vids is the LTV (different versions), and I wondered if LTV is particularly common? There are other portable vents out there, I just wondered if they have a corner on the market or if you all have used a variety of home vents.
Anyone out there train on the job for home vent nursing? If so, what helped you the most in terms of hands-on, training, or ???
My aim is not to 'pass' my agency's vent competency, it's to actually BE competent.
If there is another thread where this has been discussed before, if you can link it I'd appreciate it. TIA :)