Published Dec 6, 2005
12 Posts
Just wondering what you all do during the holidays for co-workers.
Do you give cards out to everyone you work with on the floor?
Do you do anything special for the CNAs you regularly work with?
Do you limit this giving to those you've connected with on a personal level as well as professional?
Do you do anything to kiss up to the boss- in my case the DON? :wink2:
Just curious here - it's my first year at this particular facility, and I have some really great CNAs and Nurses I work with. I'd like to do something to make people feel appreciated but not go overboard either....
General E. Speaking, RN, RN
1 Article; 1,337 Posts
I usually get a small gift for my charge nurse, but it's not an expensive one. For example, last year we were teasing her because when she had to leave the desk for one reason or another-we weren't able to find her. We told her we were going to tie a bell around her neck. I found these huge jingle bells (door decoration) and gave them to her (tee hee)
This year, I found a 4 inch bright orange construction cone at a book store that says, "Service May Vary According To My Mood And Your Attitude". I'll tell her that she's allowed to put the cone out on nightmarish busy days. I guess the gift depends on your relationship with the person you are giving it to.
As for co-workers, those working on Christmas usually draw names and bring a potluck lunch. Last year, I gave a nurse one of those shower radios ($10) and some shower gel.
722 Posts
Usually I'll go in with a few other coworkers for a small gift for my boss, and then everyone in the department will pool in money to give to a charity. I really like the idea of doing charity instead of getting an individual gift for everyone. I'm not too creative and I have a hard time figuring out good gifts to give so this makes it easy :)
2,259 Posts
Usually I'll go in with a few other coworkers for a small gift for my boss, and then everyone in the department will pool in money to give to a charity.
Same here.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,709 Posts
Usually nothing.
Those of us working Christmas day are talking about having a covered dish meal.
I'm thinking of giving my boss a Christmas Card/Thank You card with some candy or cookies to thank her for being so good to me this past year. She gave me a day shift position, plus the schedule I need for school and social life, plus a good raise. But I definately won't get involved with anything more than that.
20,964 Posts
I give little presents to the closest ones----cards to the rest.
ceecel.dee, MSN, RN
869 Posts
We do a cookie exchange before Christmas and there is usually a pot luck meal to share.
Usually just a card with candy cane or something similar for the DON.
Always used to do a "secret santa" kind of thing, but it's lost popularity, and that's fine by me, as some were not treated fairly.
94 Posts
Money is short on my end this I intend to bake a cake or cookies for my shift and have told everyone what i intend to do. As far as I know there are no diabetics on my shift in my department, so this should work out fine. As far as the rest of the staff goes, we will be having a covered dish supper, and I will probably make a vegetable tray or something like that. A little food can go a long way on a tight budget.
Our nurse manager has just changed over on Dec. 1st, so I will probably get him a token gift. He is easy to get along with.
14 Posts
Those little antibacterial lotions from Bed, Bath, & Beyond are great for fellow nurses. Tie a ribbon around it, pair with a card- great present.
955 Posts
The last place I worked did that Secret Santa thing... we put our names on an index card along with three things we liked (to give the giver some ideas) and everyone was to get a present close to but not over $20. One CNA had the nerve to only list on her preferences a $20 Walmart gift card! :angryfire so that's what her SS got her. And the gift SHE brought in for her SS? One of those blurry figurines from the dollar store. So I have a bad taste in my mouth about those gift exchanges.
As the supervisor, this year I have ordered 60 8oz tubs of a wonderful Vitamin E lotion that I was fortunate enough to get at cost through a pharmacy I frequent (one of those family owned smaller ones). I'm going to use red and green saran wrap and bows to dress them up and then hand them out to my staff.
186 Posts
I'm giving a small gift basket to my nurse manager, along with a card. We're doing a potluck dinner at work for Christmas night so I'm making a pumpkin roll to bring along to that, and probably some candy as well.
FTR, I've not worked for a place yet that buys their employees gifts of any kind on christmas- have ya'll???
My facility is giving smoked turkeys to each staff member as a Christmas present. Does that count?