Hi my name is Jane, I'll be your glorified waitress today!


Hi all,

Anyone else hate nursing and feel that your a glorified waitress wherever you work?

I have been a nurse for all of 2.5 years in an ER and I have discovered that I hate being a nurse!

1) I get verbally abused by both medical and psych patients every shift... no matter how nice I try to be.

2) I feel like I spend more time getting patient's pillows, blankets, sandwiches, and drinks more than I actually need to use my brain to critically think.

3) I just love having to hunt down an ER doc to ASK if the patient can get some releif from their pain, nausea, or whatever else ails them.. they've only been waiting 5+ hours!

4) Cooworkers are not happy for you when you get employee of the month, nope, instead they tell the new grad or new ER nurse you are about to precept that you stink, but management loves you and thats how you got on the wall of nursing, oh and thats why you were made a preceptor.

5) I have no weapon or any way to protect myself and no training in self defence, but guess who gets sued when the psych patient runs out of the ER and I refuse to go after them.

6) I get to inflict more pain on dying patients when their families cannot come to terms that they are dying and feel that they shoudl be given antibiotics, feeding tubes, folys etc along with their multiple IV/blood sticks, becuase thats gonna make them all better or more comfortable, as comfortable as dragging them out of their bed and into the cold so they can sit in an ER hallway bed for hours waiting to be seen.

7) I get to triage 21 year olds that have viral gastroenteritis symptoms for a whole 2 hours and then when they realize that diarrhea and vomiting are even less fun in an ER waiting room I get to re-triage them when they demmand they be taken ahead of other patients who have been waiting 4+ hours, oh and they came in by ambulance so that must mean they get seen faster than everyone else because its an emergency!

8) I get to see psych patients taking up 5 or more of our beds, and who get taken back right away because they play the "I am suicial" game every other week so they can continue to receive their disability benefits while legitament medical patients wait in the waiting room for hours waiting for a bed.

9) I get to see parents bring their kids in for a whopping fever of 102.0 and they are trying tell you what an emergency it is while there trying to catch the kid in the waiting room, becuase the kid is so deathly ill they are running around playing.

10) I get to see patients with toe pain come in by ambulance only to be sent to triage and patients with heart attacks come in by private vehicle through the waiting room only to be rushed back to a bed.

11) I get to see nurses run away from the patients they are afraid to take care of, instead of embrasing the new challenge ahead. The ER is not the place to run away, if you run away, you should continue right back to the floor where you were comfortable working on.

12) I listen to doctors that feel the need to degrate you or be nasty to you in front of your colleagues or worse, patients because they think they are god and I should bow down to them.

13) I go up to codes only to find a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off running around with chaos and no direction which as you all no is equal to nothing being done for the patient.

14) Applying for 1.5 years for a new nursing job and not getting anywhere... sending resumes, preparing for interviews, investing 6+ hours between interviews and shadowing.. only to get no where!

14) Getting turned down for jobs because oh you don't have BSN after your name, you must be a stupid nurse despite the 6 years of experience as an EMT, the 5 years of experience as a paramedic, and the almost three years of experience as an ER nurse. Nope sorry, we would rather hire the new grad who has BSN afte their name, you know that will help us with our Magnet Status.

15) Hearing "oh Dr. so and so sent told me to come RIGHT in after I talked to him on the phone about the abdominal pain I have been having for two weeks now" "he said I should be seen right away and that he would arrange that, he talked to the ER physicians". Uh yeah, sorry mam/sir you will have to wait just like every other patient here. Heres your urine cup and have a nice wait. "Oh but Dr. So and So said they would get me right in a direct admit me"...

16) Trying to call report to a floor and getting "I am going to lunch/dinner, do you mind if I call you right back when I am done eating". Meanwhile my CBS is 50 because its 5 pm and I haven't eaten since breakfast.... Oh wait you work in the ER you can't pick and choose when new patients come to you. Oh and wait, you only work 8-12 hours you don't need a break, do you?

17) Getting bashed when you share with other nurses how much and why you hate being a nurse!


Soooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooon nursing, its been real, but I truly hate you!

Specializes in Telemetry, nursing education.

It is always disheartening to see a fellow nurse so frustrated. It is clear patients have a whole new perception of overdone expectations when they come to a hospital. ..in all areas...on the unit we feel like maids and they are there for days & weeks. Is there any chance for you to take a class towards your BSN which may help facilitate a new job? Many times a new outlook in a new place does wonders...I hope you find a strategy for relief to not give the PIA's victory.

Specializes in Dialysis, Family & Pediatic Office.

jane - i am so sorry that your nursing experience has made you so unhappy. every nurse needs to find their nursing "niche" and sometimes that might take several different nursing jobs before you find yours. since you worked as an emt you may have thought er nursing was where you would be happy, but if you try some other types of nursing you may be surprised what area of nursing makes you feel happy and fulfilled. my suggestion would be to stop looking for another full-time job right now and try working some temporary positions. you can go through some local temp agancy's or if you can try travel nursing. with the nursing shortage the are many hospitals all over the united states that depend on travel nurses to give their patients quality medical care. the pay and benefits are great, with your experience you can work in many different areas, get to tour america and meet lots of new people. i hope you give nursing another chance before you decide it's not for you. good luck !!! :)

Specializes in Orthopaedic/Med-Surg.

One thing I don't understand about nursing is that when you do vent about it, other nurses are like "****GASP**** you don't love everything about nursing, what is wrong with you?!!"

I work ortho/med surg and it's not somewhere I am happy. I want to do my skills and learn more critical care, I am an adrenaline junkie I think, and on my floor i do feel like a waitress, although not glorified. I pass pills, pillows, blankets, ice water, etc. and get chewed on by the pt's because we can't give them the 4 percocets at one time like they get at home, and our docs can be awful, and nurses from other floors think we're just baby-sitters, which is how I feel some nights. I am looking to change shifts (nights to days) until I switch floors or a specialty. I am hoping to find my niche, that is what I am banking on. I am sorry ED burnt you out so badly, but it sounds like you just need to restart doing something else. As for the BSN thing, I am a new grad with a BSN and had to settle for nights on ortho/med surg bc my hospital didn't take a second look at me since I didn't have experience under my belt. Thank God I got my BSN because at least I had that going for me! :uhoh3:

What I've learned is that when you reach that burnout point, it isn't one huge issue that wears you down. Instead, the daily exposure to repeated small annoyances will get you. In my case, a change of hospitals made all the difference, but for some that might mean leaving the field completely.

Maybe one day you'll end up in something like an EMS education position where you'll get to more directly utilize both of your fields of study. Either way though, I don't think any of your education has been wasted.

Pay attention people the system is broken.

I hope the vent made you feel better. :)

Oh, and if Ruby Vee hasn't already said it Leave The Venter In the Vent Thread Alone.

Specializes in School Nursing.
What I've learned is that when you reach that burnout point, it isn't one huge issue that wears you down. Instead, the daily exposure to repeated small annoyances will get you.

This is so true! I never thought about it that way. It's kinda like a marriage that way, LOL! After 10+ years of the same little annoying habits, you are ready to tear each other to pieces. If this is the case, maybe working several PRN jobs in different areas could be a potential solution. Something I might consider myself at some point. Total light bulb moment, here...thanks Eric!

Specializes in Adult and Pediatric Vascular Access, Paramedic.

Thanks all for your advice;

Luckily I have some money in my savings account that will allow me a 1-2 month full time break from nursing all together. I will work on the ambulance full time for those two months and then, at that time I will reevaluate my career plans... Which may mean switching careers alltogether.

I use to think I was getting so angry at work because I was PMSing, now I realize that it was just building up slowly and now its come to a boiling point!!! Thank you all for listening to my frustrations, and thanks to the wise one who said its the "little things" that make you eventually boil over, very wise of you, as I never thought of it that way.

Well feel free to continue posting on the thread as I am realizing that others on here are very understanding and the advise is nice to read...


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