Hey you..with the trashy blonde hair

Nurses General Nursing


Ahhhhhhhh....here we go........AGAIN.... This time it's personal.

After a meeting at work a month ago, my boss called me on my cell, as I was driving home, to say, "what is your natural hair color?" I said, "Well, it's probably a light brunette. Why do you ask?" She said, "Go dark. To be honest, your hair is so light it looks borderline trashy."

Yes, I was dumbfounded. She hired me, blonde hair and all. And NOW says I look "trashy". (I've asked several other people, including my own mother...who is completely honest)...and other nurses who said, "Are you kidding me? I wouldn't say that to anyone, even if I didn't like them!"

She must have known she upset me, because she called me at work the following day (when I was doing triage and the phone was ringing off the hook) to say "Did I upset you?" I told her she didn't. But yes!!! She did, and I wasn't about to get into it at work. I have since told her that her comment hurt my feelings. I have received NO apology.

Also, yesterday an MA in the office drew up several flu shots in advance and had them in the side rack in the refrigerator. Had a nurse flow appt, have been TOLD to use them, as it "saves time". Isn't it a cardinal rule for nurses to NEVER administer a med/vaccine without drawing it up yourself or at least WITNESSING it?????? I told her I didn't feel comfortable using it. She got angry, grabbed the pt chart, while things were falling on the floor, refused to listen to my explanation as to WHY. When I tried to explain it to her she raised her voice and said, "I'm NOT going to argue with you!" Then proceded to go around the corner, put me down to other nurses, and that was that.

A few days ago she asked me if I did venipuncture. I said, "No. We weren't taught that in nursing school." She says well MY nursing program taught us to...we had to do 200 blood draws to even GRADUATE." (BTW, it bothers me that she says nursing school...I have ultimate respect for medical assistants, as some have taught me how to do an EKG and other clinical skills I wasn't taught in school.) She then said, in front of 3 other MA's, "Where did YOU go to school at??"

And so I said, "This lil teensy school in the middle of a farrrrm. We practissssed givin' injectinz on hot dogs for an hour....then they cut us loose on clinicals to give 'em with our clinical instructerz." :clown:(This is all true, btw....we didn't spend but one day on giving injections...we spent a lot more time on assessments.) I tried to explain the differences in what they teach nurses...she rolls her eyes and says, "I can't believe that! I got more nursing training at "x institute".

Today I'm done with this organization. I'm the only nurse in the float pool....the MA's (not all) have literally criticized me, humiliated me, and my boss thinks I'm filthy trashy.

I quit. I'm tired of having too many panic attacks and "Loose BM's" from nerves from these people.:flamesonb

thanks for the vent....I'm so happy to have All Nurses to come to for support, advice, venting, you name it.:[anb]:


Wow! I am speechless! :eek: That manager sounds very unprofessional to say the least. Would she make a comment to someone with alopecia?

As for the MA it sounds like she may actually be an insecure person, since she has to tell others how she had to show a nurse how to do something. I have learned from our nursing assistants as well as taught them. As a float you probably work in a lot of different areas and bring much experience with you. They should be grateful to have you!:bow:

I would definitely let your manager's superior know about the "trashy" comment. It is unacceptable to treat someone that way!

If the higher ups don't take care of it, then I would look for a better work environment.

Hope things get better for you!:nuke:

You hit the nail on the head. She said to the doc we were working with, "Now they want me to train on PHONES. They want me to do everything around here, and I'm so busy with training Emma." Busy training ME????? I was sprinting taking every patient back that came in, for the most part because I like to keep busy. She should have been grateful she had the TIME to train on the phones......because I took her patients for her.

She just enjoyed demeaning me.

Oh, and as an aside: I emphatically disagree with MA's doing phone triage. A personal example. A friend of mine had pneumonia. He called his doc to report SOB and "not feeling right". This was at 0900. At 3:15 pm he had to call them back himself to ask what he should do. Hello? SOB....they need to get evaluated promptly. All due respect to the MA's in offices everywhere....but phone triage????? Honestly, I don't see how that can be legal.

I am an MA and a LPN.....Every school focuses on different aspects of nursing. There are RN I work with that don't know certain things, we all just try to help each other. There are also new graduates that know things I don't. Don't ever let anyone try to make you feel stupid no matter what thier title. If they do, go somewhere else.

Ahhhhhhhh....here we go........AGAIN.... This time it's personal.

After a meeting at work a month ago, my boss called me on my cell, as I was driving home, to say, "what is your natural hair color?" I said, "Well, it's probably a light brunette. Why do you ask?" She said, "Go dark. To be honest, your hair is so light it looks borderline trashy."

Yes, I was dumbfounded. She hired me, blonde hair and all. And NOW says I look "trashy". (I've asked several other people, including my own mother...who is completely honest)...and other nurses who said, "Are you kidding me? I wouldn't say that to anyone, even if I didn't like them!"

She must have known she upset me, because she called me at work the following day (when I was doing triage and the phone was ringing off the hook) to say "Did I upset you?" I told her she didn't. But yes!!! She did, and I wasn't about to get into it at work. I have since told her that her comment hurt my feelings. I have received NO apology.

Also, yesterday an MA in the office drew up several flu shots in advance and had them in the side rack in the refrigerator. Had a nurse flow appt, have been TOLD to use them, as it "saves time". Isn't it a cardinal rule for nurses to NEVER administer a med/vaccine without drawing it up yourself or at least WITNESSING it?????? I told her I didn't feel comfortable using it. She got angry, grabbed the pt chart, while things were falling on the floor, refused to listen to my explanation as to WHY. When I tried to explain it to her she raised her voice and said, "I'm NOT going to argue with you!" Then proceded to go around the corner, put me down to other nurses, and that was that.

A few days ago she asked me if I did venipuncture. I said, "No. We weren't taught that in nursing school." She says well MY nursing program taught us to...we had to do 200 blood draws to even GRADUATE." (BTW, it bothers me that she says nursing school...I have ultimate respect for medical assistants, as some have taught me how to do an EKG and other clinical skills I wasn't taught in school.) She then said, in front of 3 other MA's, "Where did YOU go to school at??"

And so I said, "This lil teensy school in the middle of a farrrrm. We practissssed givin' injectinz on hot dogs for an hour....then they cut us loose on clinicals to give 'em with our clinical instructerz." :clown:(This is all true, btw....we didn't spend but one day on giving injections...we spent a lot more time on assessments.) I tried to explain the differences in what they teach nurses...she rolls her eyes and says, "I can't believe that! I got more nursing training at "x institute".

Today I'm done with this organization. I'm the only nurse in the float pool....the MA's (not all) have literally criticized me, humiliated me, and my boss thinks I'm filthy trashy.

I quit. I'm tired of having too many panic attacks and "Loose BM's" from nerves from these people.:flamesonb

thanks for the vent....I'm so happy to have All Nurses to come to for support, advice, venting, you name it.:[anb]:


Specializes in Floor and office nursing.

Sounds like your (ex)boss has some personal issues, hence the hair comment, which was totally inappropriate. Especially to "call on your off time"--hey, you gotta work related problem, take it up with me at work. Hmmmm maybe why she called you on your cell, huh? A lot of nursing education institutions do not teach phlebotomy any longer because hardly any nurses do it any more. Hospitals and offices have phlebotomists and MA's, (both certificate programs I might add) to do that kind of work because it is cheaper. And it is your "license" you are protecting when not giving that 'flu shot' that you did not draw or witness drawn yourself. Like you said, nothing against MA's, I respect them and their responsibilites as well. However, an RN has much more at stake and are held more accountable for our actions because of that title on our LICENSE!!! Life is too short to be unhappy on your job. Find one that makes you feel good about your profession. Hey, that's what you went to school for, right? To do what you wanna do! So you go girl.......blond hair and all (I better not read somewhere that you changed your hair color---no matter what profession you are in, you still need to be who you are) Best of luck, and if you could, pass me a note at some point and let me know how you are getting along.

Specializes in ICU/PCU/Infusion.

I'm sorry you were treated with such disdain and utter disrespect! I hope you find a new home where you can (maybe) even look forward to going to work!


Specializes in Med-Surg.

I think I would be looking for another place to work too. Something is definitely wrong there and probably will not be getting better anytime soon. Makes you wonder how that manager got that job in the first place but my first guess would be stabbing people in the back on the way up.

Good luck.

If it were me, I'd deliver it in person. And dress up for the occasion.



That was one hilarious link!!!!

A number of years ago, I worked at a LTC facility which was run by a wicked, evil, psycho DON. She had everyone running scared. You never saw such miserable, scared rabbits working at a job.

A CNA had not received her sign on bonus- it was months overdue. When she asked the DON about it, the DON said to her "I'm not giving it to you because you wear too much make up and you look like a whore."

Yes, she really did say that. The office door was open and I heard it with my own ears.The CNA promptly punched the DON in the mouth and left. I am not one to condone violence, but in this case, I wanted to shake that CNA's hand.

A number of years ago, I worked at a LTC facility which was run by a wicked, evil, psycho DON. She had everyone running scared. You never saw such miserable, scared rabbits working at a job.

A CNA had not received her sign on bonus- it was months overdue. When she asked the DON about it, the DON said to her "I'm not giving it to you because you wear too much make up and you look like a whore."

Yes, she really did say that. The office door was open and I heard it with my own ears.The CNA promptly punched the DON in the mouth and left. I am not one to condone violence, but in this case, I wanted to shake that CNA's hand.

I just read your post! Yeah! Yeah! For that CNA!!!!! :w00t: Some people are pushed to their limits, and need to be careful about the possibility of "going postal" on you. I do not advocate workplace violence, but that psycho DON got what she deserved!

Specializes in LPN.

Going back to the first post here, I just wanted to add that the MA is lying here as well. When I went to school as an MA, my school required 12 successful blood draws to graduate. To become a Certified Phlebotomist, you needed 20. I'm sure rules vary by school as well as by state, but there is no way she did 200 blood draws in school just to graduate (and I would have probably told her that on the spot if she tried to pull something like that with me). She sounds like someone with low self-esteem and an aggressive personality who is trying to build herself up through exaggeration of her skills.

A number of years ago, I worked at a LTC facility which was run by a wicked, evil, psycho DON. She had everyone running scared. You never saw such miserable, scared rabbits working at a job.

A CNA had not received her sign on bonus- it was months overdue. When she asked the DON about it, the DON said to her "I'm not giving it to you because you wear too much make up and you look like a whore."

Yes, she really did say that. The office door was open and I heard it with my own ears.The CNA promptly punched the DON in the mouth and left. I am not one to condone violence, but in this case, I wanted to shake that CNA's hand.

I was and still am quite angry and wonder what will be done to her, if anything. I doubt anything.

As for the CNA, that is awful. I don't condone violence myself....however I understand her anger. What happened to that DON? Could she possibly still have kept her job after that????OMG...

I was and still am quite angry and wonder what will be done to her, if anything. I doubt anything.

As for the CNA, that is awful. I don't condone violence myself....however I understand her anger. What happened to that DON? Could she possibly still have kept her job after that????OMG...

Yes- she not only kept her job, she was promoted to regional manager for being way under budget for years.

This was one of those nursing homes that looks really fancy on the surface, but is not a good place.

I once overheard the DON praising the dietitian for ordering only diet italian salad dressing. Since none of the residents liked it, they never ate it. Therefore, a two month supply of salad dressing packets lasted for over a year, saving the facility money.

When the facility stopped buying barrier cream for incontinant pts because of the cost, I complained to the DON about it. She told me to get a bunch of denture cups from the supply room, and fill them with Crisco shortening from the kitchen, and use that in leau of barrier cream.

This is the kind of nurse that big, for profit corporations love, and will promote.

Specializes in Behavioral Health, Show Biz.



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