Published Jun 8, 2006
8 Posts
I have just finished my first week of the transition program for LVN--RN program. We have to take a Hesi test to even go to the next semester. Does anyone have any knowledge about this test. I am freaking out. We are having sooo much information thrown at us right now and I am getting terrified. I have been an LVN for 12 years and have spent the last 2 years doing my prerequisites. Any insight would be helpful.
crb613, BSN, RN
1,632 Posts
I hate the Hesi...I think they are hard & some of their rationales do not make sense to me. I used Saunders and I think it is very helpful. With all your experience I will bet you will do just fine. What ever the area is you are testing on...just use Saunders & do the practice questions, and you should be fine. Good Luck
Justhere, BSN, RN
1 Article; 300 Posts
We did ATI each semester, then at the end of our last semester, just for fun they had us do HESI as our final. To me it was like any other NCLEX type question exam. We had never been exposed to HESI and didn't know that we were going to take it for our final until a couple of days before it and then it was just a rumor so we were not for sure. I passed with a 1036, so it can be done.
89 Posts
Relax, don't fret!! The questions are very similar to the ones you find in those NCLEX review books. In fact, for preparation, I just read through the rationales in the answer section of my review book that pertains to each particular HESI I'm facing, I don't even bother trying the questions anymore. And I only do that the night before. If you have kept up with the material being covered in class all along, and you do a little prep work (to ease your anxiety if nothing else) then you should do fine. I generally get about 75-80% of the questions right in the NCLEX book (Lippincott) if I test myself cold to see how I'll do, but I have always made very high HESI scores--in the top 2-3%. So really, they're not even as hard as the review book! LOL!
7 Posts
Im about to take the Hesi Admissions test next week to get accepted into the RN program at a different school... If anyone has any advice please let me know.. I am studying the study guide they sent me...I am confussed on the chemisrty part... Its not making much sense.. How hard is this test? Should I be worried? Thanx
btown annie
51 Posts
Do yourself a huge favor and go to the HESI website. Order the book and CD package. It's about $80 I think and well worth it. You can take every HESI test just like you do at school up to 5 times. It is very helpful.
2 Posts
hello, i recently took the hesi test and i passed, so i want to thank for the support they gave me , specially to annegracious85:p, her comments in here helped me a lot. thank you again anne. what she said about the exam was there, except in the anatomy part that was quite different, but any way, i did good. i got 83% in the exam, i am very happy now.
i used the hesi secrets A2 exam guide and the flash cards also. thank to all of that and annegarcious85, i successed in this test. thank you
20 Posts
do you have the hesi program? Take their practice tests....Also it is more of what you would do for the patient in a situation what would the best assesment or intervention be..remember your ABC's and maslow. But get used to them because they come with every semester. Good luck
727 Posts
I took the first HESi a few weeks ago; will take a total of 4 throughout this program. It's really not something one can study for since it's supposed to gauge where you are right now. In the case of the program I'm in, we have a number to shoot for in the way of score that will be predictive of success on NCLEX when we get there.
It's multiple choice, taken on the computer. We were given up to 2 hours to take the test (mine was 110 questions) and I was done in just over one hour. With your experience, I can't imagine this will be much of a challenge for you! There were a couple of areas on the test that we have not yet covered in classes, but using some critical thinking skills you can likely eliminate the wrong answers and whittle down your possibilities.
Best of luck!
18 Posts
Hi guys, I took the hesi test 3 weeks ago and I did terrible in vocabulary, does anyone know any study guide for hesi test that is helpful for vocabulary?
turnforthenurse, MSN, NP
3,364 Posts
I just took a critical care hesi test. It was pretty hard! Like any other (evolve) test, they asked questions on things we never went over. I ended up guessing a lot but I did really well on it - I scored in the 89th percentile and got a conversion score of 98%! I have to take a med-surg one on wednesday.