Good day!!!
Really.......really glad I found this site....... !!!
I'm a 4th yr nursing student... graduating this March 2006.....
I been really looking for somebody who can share their knowledge and points of view in preparing for nursing licensure.....
can somebody please....
share their tips.......
and I'm not advertising but... would it be possible to ask in your own opinion.......what nursing review center you took and are you satisfied with their service....
if that's not possible........
could you at least share.... your review tips/techniques....?
what did you do when you feel so bored and sleepy..?
do you scream?!!!!
do you dance?!!!!
do you just sleep and give in?
did you do study groups?
do you study alone?
oh.......please tell me.......anything!!!
thank you guyzzzz........:wink2: