Published Sep 5, 2005
234 Posts
Hi everyone!
I am soooo fed up of studying. I cannot do it anymore.
SICK of it.
My test is in 2 weeks, and i know i can't give up, can't stop now.
It's a torture.
I don't even care about the NCLEX itself anymore. Just want to STOP STUDYING. I'll do 20 questions and cry on my break. And it's like this all day long. This studying drove me nuts.
Please, say something nice... anybody? :)
159 Posts
Hi everyone!I am soooo fed up of studying. I cannot do it anymore.SICK of it. My test is in 2 weeks, and i know i can't give up, can't stop now. It's a torture.I don't even care about the NCLEX itself anymore. Just want to STOP STUDYING. I'll do 20 questions and cry on my break. And it's like this all day long. This studying drove me nuts.Please, say something nice... anybody? :)
All I can say is I dont think there is one nurse out there who didnt feel that exact same way from 1st semester until the results came back from boards. I literally walked by my garbage one day, while studying for boards and threw my books in it...all of my books. I sat on my couch and cried....for hours. Then I simply realized I was MEANT to be a nurse. THIS WAS IT!!!! i made it THIS far!! so...dug my books out and still LOVE what I do!! You are so close......DONT give up...take as many brain breaks as you need, however stay diligant and do AS MANY questions as you can on the computer! YOU WANT THIS......quitting is not an option! keep us posted ...You are going to be an awesome nurse I am sure! nobody who wants it as bad as you do could fail at being an awesome nurse! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
17 Articles; 45,832 Posts
:balloons: Hello and Welcome to :balloons:
Hang in there, Margo. This, too, shall pass and ....(hee hee hee)....YOU will pass, too....... :)
Good Luck!!!!! :balloons:
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Welcome to :)
At this point, I suggest that you take a break from your studying and just take a day for yourself. Sounds like you need it at this point more than anything else. Tomorrow is a legal holiday, so make it a day away from the questions and just clear your head. Go to a movie, as well as go to lunch at a restaurant that actually has table cloths. Take book with you that has nothing to do with nursing, and just have a "you" day.............
Then come back and see us on Tuesday........... :balloons:
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! everybody for such kind words. I feel so much better, you can't even imagine. You guys are so nice.
Suzanne, thank you for everything. I follow every advice you give :)
( i read some of the threads here where you help people with their studying and give priceless advices). Thank you.
But also, even though it's so hard for me to study, i can't stop either, because of my anxiety. So, it's just a continuous misery..
Thanks for reading my thread, i don't have anybody to share with.
I came to US from a very poor russian village 4 years ago ( never spoke english before). Ever since i've been studying and studying and studying!!!
Right now, when i'm facing the last step, i feel it's enough already and i can't do this anymore . Life has been a struggle for me from the first day in this country. For four years i haven't seen my family, have been in school full time and working (in the same school), starving half the time... oh, god. Life is hard when there is nobody to help you or at least listen to you.
But anyway, finally i made it through nursing school this spring. So , that's good news.
And scheduled my nclex on sept. 16th.
I will keep you guys posted and definitely try to get some rest ( if anxiety and guilt doesn't completely eat me). :) I really start acting like a crazy person. For example, if i take a 30 min break or turn tv on, immediately i start scolding myself for laziness and careless attitude. Cannot rest at all.
67 Posts
I came to US from a very poor russian village 4 years ago ( never spoke english before). Ever since i've been studying and studying and studying!!! Right now, when i'm facing the last step, i feel it's enough already and i can't do this anymore . Life has been a struggle for me from the first day in this country. For four years i haven't seen my family, have been in school full time and working (in the same school), starving half the time... oh, god. Life is hard when there is nobody to help you or at least listen to you. But anyway, finally i made it through nursing school this spring. So , that's good news. And scheduled my nclex on sept. 16th. I will keep you guys posted and definitely try to get some rest ( if anxiety and guilt doesn't completely eat me). :) I really start acting like a crazy person. For example, if i take a 30 min break or turn tv on, immediately i start scolding myself for laziness and careless attitude. Cannot rest at all.
Hi NurseMargo, you said that youcame to America 4 years ago wow, yo have very good English (writting skills). I also came 12 years ago from Russian and study study study. Now I am also preparing for Exam. We can do it , don't worry.
Thank you! Yes, i hope we can do it. When are you planning to take your test?
Good luck in advance :)
I just hope that you will listen to me and take a full day off from your studying. If not, you are not going to retain what you are doing now.
You will be much further ahead by taking a day for yourself..........Trust me. :)
I just hope that you will listen to me and take a full day off from your studying. If not, you are not going to retain what you are doing now.You will be much further ahead by taking a day for yourself..........Trust me. :)
Suzanne, i honestly tried, but couldn't :) , and came back anyway and did 70 questins.
Thank you.
I visited international page today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY :rotfl: :) :balloons:
Thank you.............
If you aren't going to listen to me, take 4 hours for yourself tomorrow and have a pedicure and go out to lunch with a non-nursing book and take time for yourself. You will find that your brain will be much more receptive to the information.
Send me your e-mail address via pm, do not post it here. I have some articles that will be beneficial to you, but only if you take a few hours for yourself first. :)
Race Mom, ASN, RN
808 Posts
I literally walked by my garbage one day, while studying for boards and threw my books in it...all of my books. I sat on my couch and cried....for hours.
This made me crack up!!! I could picture it! How funny. Good thing the trash man didn't get there 1st :imbar