Help me pleaseee!!!


Hey all,it's my third try to give my test.I'm using Hurst,NCSBN,Kaplan q trainers and La charity book.M jus done with Hurst Lectures and now doing q review but Not getting g good score,I did 4 test but still same score in lowest 41%,highest 48%.What should I do,less than 4 weeks in test.I really need your help guys,I need to pass my test this time in any Condition.Thsnks!!!

did u try saunders ever? bcoz i think thats the only book help me alot,i am in same situation.....u can say in same boat but i am covering saunders page to page this time its kinda slow but trust me its helping me to getting my content strong....

Thank you!!! Yeah I tried it my second try but I used it more for questions not for content.when you planing your test.Good Luck !!!


The score indicates that you need to work on your content.I would suggest you do hurst videos one more time and also combine one review book Saunders, exam cram or any book you have. Read the disease or topics from a book on which you have problem getting right answers.Don't rush to take your test until you feel confident and comfortable with the questions. Work on your weak areas.Content is the key. Good luck

Thanks a lot!!! Yeah I will do this.Right now m doing 35 pages study guide.yeah thinking if I don't feel get ready that date than I will rescdule my test.I'm studying my butt off all day long!!!Good luck my friend!!!

How many hours you study a day?

I study 10.30am to 5.30pm...bathrooms breaks and 30 min lunch break.After that when I get chance to study at home at night time.

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I would go back and study your weak areas until you mase it. During your NCLEX exam, do you remember which kind of question you got stuck on....focus on those areas. And during the exam, take the breaks and take your time answering the questions. I took my whole maximum allowed time...hehe...i passed on my 1st try.

I rescheduled my exam date more than 6 times. :):D

Okay make sure you take breaks.Take a 10-15 min breaks after every 40 to 45 minutes of studying(even though you don't feel like taking a break) Divide your systems breaking down the content helps.Also alternate reading and doing questions.When you get tired of reading take a 10 minute break and do 40-50 questions .Keep your brain confused.Don't just keep doing stuff without a study plan.Make a study plan and stick to it.Don't panic and trust yourself.You will be fine.

I would suggest you to do hurst videos one more time and if you can do them twice before your test. Repetition is the key sometimes we don't get stuff first time.keep doing it until you start remembering what she(Marlene) is saying in your head.Keep practicing questions and reading rationals carefully that would help you will your content and your score would start improving..:)

Thanks a lot to get me out of this situation.Yeah I should not loose confidence and trust.I jus did Kaplan questions got weak point is that I lost my concentrations when I half done cuz my most of starting questions are right than the last ones.

If you are getting 60% or better on the kaplan question trainers you are doing well. If you pass the Kaplan pretest and timed question trainers with a 60% or higher that means you have something like a 90% chance of passing NCLEX. They dont tell you this until you get to the Kaplan review class. I am by no means saying slack off on studying but have faith that you are learning the material and focus on your weaker areas.

I just passed NCLEX in May and was scoring 60% -80% on question trainers. The whole class thought we were going to fail until we got this news!

Hey Indian-rn2b.... I jus empty my inbox,it was full that's why your message sending failed.

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