
I really really need a cheap Microbiology course online with lab HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:crying2::crying2::crying2:

Google: Cheap Online Microbiology COurse online w/lab

Hope this helps

Specializes in LTC, Pediatrics, Renal Med/Surg.


I know right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL !!!!!!!! I was just hoping for a miracle. Hate to spend $1000.00 bucks on this course. :uhoh3:

How do you get a LAB online? Computer virus? :) I'm not sure such a thing is possible. There were a lot of microscopes, bunsen burners, glass slides, petri dishes, etc in my micro class... :confused:

Specializes in ICU, Telemetry.


At our local CC, there's a move to science classes using online labs (computer simulations) due to the cost and liability of maintaining a lab. I did it, it was hard, I had to do "virtual" cultures, "cook" them, apply reagents to determine what the unknown "bug" was.

And if I'd tried it in a regular lab, I'd probably have cooked up a plague... *grin*

Specializes in Med Surg.
How do you get a LAB online? Computer virus? :) I'm not sure such a thing is possible. There were a lot of microscopes, bunsen burners, glass slides, petri dishes, etc in my micro class... :confused:

You have to buy a lab kit and a microscope. Figure three or four hundred bucks for those plus your book plus course fees and tuition. Check out this link.


At our local CC, there's a move to science classes using online labs (computer simulations) due to the cost and liability of maintaining a lab. I did it, it was hard, I had to do "virtual" cultures, "cook" them, apply reagents to determine what the unknown "bug" was.

And if I'd tried it in a regular lab, I'd probably have cooked up a plague... *grin*

WOW. Skimping on everything (IMO :) ). But good to know. I have no doubt it was hard. Next, (or maybe already is) there will be virtual clinicals and then the new grads will wonder why being just out of school and having to deal with real people is so hard. Sad. :o

And once again, fear of lawsuits effects how nursing "happens".

eastern Oregon University.

Not real cheap (not too pricey though)

Not extremely difficult (but not a walk in the park either0

Thanks too all, LOL at some of these posts !!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol2:

You have to buy a lab kit and a microscope. Figure three or four hundred bucks for those plus your book plus course fees and tuition. Check out this link.

WOW. Thanks for the info :)

It stinks that you have to pay THEM tuition...LOL. The STUDENT should be getting a cut :D

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