Help Help Help .. Failed NCLEX


I need help you guys. Im new here by the way

I took my nclex on May and im schedule again on Octuber.

I been so nervous I dont know what to do. I even left my job so I could focus

All i been studying is:

* Saunder 4th edition only Q&A ( I think reading all the content is too much info )

* ATI CD my friend let me borrow

* Study Guide I got from here

HELP HELP!! :bluecry1:

How many q's per day do you do? Also, do you read every single rationales either you got it right or wrong? Do you read the questions carefully and understanding what is being ask? I failed my first attempt too because I was lacking of content and didn't pay attention on reading the rationales before even if I got it right so I pay the consequence for not really knowing my content and understanding the rationales. However, I changed my study habit and feel like I learned more a lot and improved my knowledge and critical thinking after review every questions on all the nclex questions I do. Did you try using Kaplan?. I think their strategy is very helpful too. You can download the free Kaplan book at amazon.

I do from 100-120 Qs a day and im reading the rational too.. Did you read the book or did you do only Q&A ?

And thank you for the Kaplan info Im goin to give it a look

Which Kaplan book did you use . What edition?

15th edition.

okk thanks

Specializes in ASC, Infection Control.

For NCLEX-PN, i studied my butt off. did lots of practice questions daily, studied infection control precautions, medication suffixes, and reviewed content. it was overkill, i thought. i eventually threw out the content review and just looked up stuff as i went through practice Q's to refresh my memory. i had an hour drive to the testing center, so i had recorded myself reading out medication suffixes and infection control mnemonics and listened to that on my way up. i took the test (about two months after graduation), got minimum questions, felt it was actually pretty easy a test, and found out i passed (and yes the pvt worked for me:) the only book/cd i studied was Kaplan. i did not do any hurst reviews.

For NCLEX-RN, i just took that yesterday. i have been out of school for over a year but have been getting really good clinical experience. anyways, i waited until 2 days before my ATT expired (ya, i know) to take the test. i paid $50 for saunders comp review 5th edition, and didnt even use the book - just did assessment and practice Q's on cd. in total, i only did 120 practice q's. again, i studied infection control mnemonics and medication suffixes. total study time for the rn, maybe at best 3-4 hours. i just didn't put much time into it. but again, i got minimum 75 questions, felt it was pretty easy as well (just like PN exam only with some RN-specific content) and the pvt says i passed but i have to wait another day to know for sure.

you just have to realize that if you got through school and did well, you DO KNOW the content. you just have to focus and allow yourself to pull on that knowledge you already have and be able to apply it. even the questions i didn't know the answer to - i felt pretty confident in my answer, because atleast i knew what the answer WASN'T. it's a matter of deduction - eliminate what you know isn't correct and you're left with what is. plus knowing the infection control guidelines and med suffixes made a huge difference. just say a lot of prayers, try not to freak yourself out with stress and you should do just fine. good luck :)

Thank you soo much.. I pray && hoping to God i pass this time. I need to pass.

Cannot say enough about how helpful Kaplan was. For our program, it was a requirement to purchase it and attend the seminars, and I'm grateful!

I used the Saunders 4th edition as well but the questions that they have in the back of each chapter are way easier and I felt that they were nothing like the questions they had on NCLEX.

Make sure you are comfortable with answering priority, delegation and infection control questions. That seemed to be the majority of my test. The study guide on here was very helpful but wasn't all inclusive!

Specializes in NCLEX Tutor, Mental Health, Pediatrics.

Content is important BUT the NCLEX tests at the application level so if you don't know how to understand and answer each style of question you may not make it. Join a study group or hire a tutor that will push you. Good luck!

do you have the pda lacharity book??? people tell me that its great

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