Hello! I'm so frustrated!!


Hello! I joined today because I am so frustrated! Holidays are coming and I work a 12 hour night shift (7PM-7AM). Night nurses are only paid holiday pay 11-7 (eight hours) while nurses working 7AM-7PM are paid holiday for 12 hours. I think this is discrimination against the night time personnel! I was told 'that's just the way it is". Is there some legal information that can be presented to eliminate this? You know they wouldn't accept this in the 'non-nursing' world! Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!! Tahitian Nure:angryfire

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

moving thread to general nursing discussion forum for better feedback.


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Specializes in Med/Surge, Psych, LTC, Home Health.

Hmmm, well.... I'll just present my hospital as an example. At my hospital, the holiday starts at midnight. 12 AM, December 25th. It runs until 12 AM, December 26th. Any hours worked during that actual date of the holiday, are considered time-and-a-half. So... if you are a 7p-7a person, then you basically have to work both nights, to get a full twelve hours of holiday pay.

Sucks, but I think that's basically just the way it is. I don't think places have any legal obligation to provide holiday pay, AT ALL.

Specializes in Critical Care.
Hello! I joined today because I am so frustrated! Holidays are coming and I work a 12 hour night shift (7PM-7AM). Night nurses are only paid holiday pay 11-7 (eight hours) while nurses working 7AM-7PM are paid holiday for 12 hours. I think this is discrimination against the night time personnel! I was told 'that's just the way it is". Is there some legal information that can be presented to eliminate this? You know they wouldn't accept this in the 'non-nursing' world! Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!! Tahitian Nure:angryfire

In the non nursing world, they would all have the day off.

If you work xmas eve, for example, aren't you MORE entitled to 7 hrs of overtime (from midnight to 7am ) than if you go to work at 7pm on xmas day, (after xmas is essentially over).

It's fair. I'd much rather have to deal w/ this and be a night shift nurse than have to work days.



welcome to allnurses! :balloons: :balloons: you will get lots of feedback to help...

do you have a union? this is something a union can straighten out when the next negotiation comes up. until then.....be proactive.

LOL...here nurses only get 8 hours at holiday pay whether they work days or nights...not really fair, but it is something we were told before we were hired, so we all had a choice in the matter. It is much better than our local firefighters / paramedics...they work their regular 24 hour shift and only get holiday pay for 8...that really seems unfair...and they don't get holiday pay at all for things like MLK Day, Veteran's Day, and all of the other "government holidays" and all of the other city departments (except law enforecement) do!

It could always be worse!

Welcome to the world of night shift nurses.

Specializes in Med-Surg.


Ours is a schedule much like the one above. Christmas ends at midnight. So if you work 12 hours you're only going to get paid overtime from 7 to midnight.

If you workered 7pm to 7a Christmas eve. You get paid starting at midnight when it officially becomes Dec. 25. So the night shift has an opportunity to make time and a half for working Christmas Eve when the dayshift does not.

Good luck.


Ours is a schedule much like the one above. Christmas ends at midnight. So if you work 12 hours you're only going to get paid overtime from 7 to midnight.

If you workered 7pm to 7a Christmas eve. You get paid starting at midnight when it officially becomes Dec. 25. So the night shift has an opportunity to make time and a half for working Christmas Eve when the dayshift does not.

Good luck.

Same with our facility...

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Welcome to the site.

I think it should be the same for both shifts.

where I am now working (at least for 2 more weeks, anyway), there is no such thing as holiday pay. plus...all Ft staff have to work either Thanksgiving or day after, Christmas or Christmas Eve, and New Years Eve or Day. So you are guaranteed that all 3 holidays are ruined.

so if somebody is willing to pay you holiday pay for even a few hours, be grateful, because it is more than a lot of people get.

bah humbug.

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