Published Aug 13, 2014
28 Posts
Nursing school starts in 12 days and I've started reading some of my fundamentals book. I realize that I remember verrrry little of my pre reqs. ESPECIALLY chemistry. I'm reading about acid/base, electrolytes and I'm like huh? What? I barely understood these things when I actually took the class. Will they go over some of these things when school starts or should I already know this? I don't want to start off on the wrong foot.
675 Posts
I find that nursing school is a constant review and building on of past knowledge. Each time you work with it the information seems to stick a little better. I personally wouldn't try and worry about remembering everything you have learned, but focus on learning the new material and where something isn't making sense then use your past classes and other resources to help fill in the gaps. I find some topics I can just get from reading the text books, but google has become my friend and I am constantly looking up information. Some topics I may have to read on 4 to 5 different sources before it clicks. Other stuff just makes sense right away. They do not expect you to remember everything from every class you have taken in prereqs, but they are the foundation for building the new knowledge.
455 Posts
You dont have to have chemistry to pass, they go over everything you need. If all you study is your notes, you can pass,, but when and if you do read your book,, pay close attention to what the nurse does first for treatment,,, and read the little boxes and charts close
you may can benefit from an easy to read nclex book like Exam Cram RN....its the same as the PN book, but has a few more pages.
la_chica_suerte85, BSN, RN
1,260 Posts
You're going to have repetition of what you learned throughout the program. It would be ideal if you remembered everything you ever learned but that's not really the point of learning how to do nursing. The only thing I would say to focus on would be A&P. Everything else will essentially be taught as if you're learning it for the first time sans some basics. Fluid & electrolytes and acid/base are tricky for most everyone and you'll get an intro to these things in fundamentals. Start working from there. Just know your basics and it'll help. Then, you'll see it over and over again and it will really start to stick. Good luck!
cracklingkraken, ASN, RN
1,855 Posts
I feel the exact same way, except with A&P. I remember most of anatomy, it's the physiology portion that I'm like "Did I ever learn this?" while I'm reviewing. I'm just going to wait until we start classes and receive each class syllabus so I can know which parts are more essential which parts I can skim over. Can't wait to get started! I've pretty much wasted a good portion of this summer.
Me toooooooooo cracklingKaren! Had a fun summer though! Lol
1 Article; 1,265 Posts
I wouldn't even try to read ahead unless you have your syllabus. Your instructor will probably jump all over the book.
shan409, ASN, BSN, LPN, RN
340 Posts
I was going to start reading my fundamentals book too, looks like I'll start with A&P (I have A&P I, Nursing Foundations and Clinical, and Nursing Pharmacology I for the first semester of my LPN program). I'm glad I finished all my other pre-reqs life Life Span, Sociology, etc...