Published Apr 15, 2005
Hi everyone.
Has anyone heard of American Mobile. The rep. has been calling me.
Can you tell me about their reputaion, pay, etc.
Thanks :)
1 Post
Looking to find out more about access...good or bad...thanks
24 Posts
Hi everyone.Has anyone heard of American Mobile. The rep. has been calling me.Can you tell me about their reputaion, pay, etc.Thanks :) Jaycrue
they don't have ears and eyes to read their voice mail and emails.
7 Posts
Anybody know about PPR? Is it good/bad?
22 Posts
Hey guys! All of this is such great info! I'm just starting to think about traveling and trying to get some ideas of who to go with so I don't get screwed! What should I expect in regards to the housing they provide and the utilities they include. And after all of that is deducted, what does my paycheck look like? Is it really worth that much more to travel?
Robin Fillner, BSN, RN
I am thinking about starting to travel too. Was talking to AMH this morning but will definitely reconsider. Can I get information on some reputable companies to look into?? How do you PM? I really want to go to Anchorage. Anyone been there? Any advice?
12 Posts
Looking for traveling position in CA. Any advice?
hi, i worked with AMH and didnt have the best experience either. Looking to travel in CA, i know i need a car there. Which company are you with that you got a rental car with them, do they pay for it in full? Do most companies pay for rental cars? ive only traveled in NY where i havent needed a car!
14 Posts
All you all with great agencies. Any ideas will be appreciated.
SpookyRN, BSN
I've been traveling for 3 1/2 years, some assignments with American Mobile...and I say run as fast as you can in the opposite direction! My recruiter with them was awesome, but has since moved on, and I'm currently argueing with them about a pet deposit they don't want to give back to me. Let me just say in a nutshell.....AMN will nickle and dime you to death if your not careful! RN Network was pretty good...and I'm with Intelistaff right now and really liking them....I'm getting paid alot better now, too! Best of luck to you!
I am hoping to get a recommendation on a good agency. I am hoping to be on my way to LA in a month. I will drive my car over there but I am hoping to get a private housing with utilities paid, cable, travel reimbursement, and at least make $36 per hour. An agency that provides OT as a double pay is a big plus. Thanks in advance!
32 Posts
When I first read your title, I was surprised. If you haven't heard of American Mobile then you haven't done your homework in travel nursing. They are in the top three of the largest travel agencies.
They have both ups and downs. There pay isn't always the best but they do have a huge variety of assignments. You have to be willing to stick to your plan and get what you need, don't be intimidated by the recruiter who I believe tries to rush you sometimes. Say no, and say I want more. My experience with them has been good but I insist on certain standards and did say no on more than one occasion.
76 Posts
When I first read your title, I was surprised. If you haven't heard of American Mobile then you haven't done your homework in travel nursing. They are in the top three of the largest travel agencies.They have both ups and downs. There pay isn't always the best but they do have a huge variety of assignments. You have to be willing to stick to your plan and get what you need, don't be intimidated by the recruiter who I believe tries to rush you sometimes. Say no, and say I want more. My experience with them has been good but I insist on certain standards and did say no on more than one occasion.
You need to look at the date on the orginal post, it was April 2005. I am sure Jaycrue has heard of AMN by now and has ran the other direction, as this post is has been going on for almost a year. Plus by asking questions here jaycrue HAS been doing his/her homework by asking the pro/cons before persuing to work for them. Smart to ask first, since I worked for them for 2 years and didn't make crap. I wish I would have asked before selling my skills for $25/hr.