Heads up for taking NCLEX too fast!


For all the fast test-takers like me, DO NOT GET TO QUESTION 75 BEFORE 45 MINUTES or you get flagged and results held! I took NCLEX-RN last Friday (2/7/14) at 0800 and the computer shut off at 75. I had no idea how much time had passed but the testing site lady told me it had only been about 35 minutes and she was shocked. I originally left the site feeling somewhat confident. My whole test was a grab bag. I didn't notice any content trends but there were A LOT of select all that apply. Of course my nerves were frazzled and that confidence I had was soon shattered when I tried the Pearson Vue "trick." I got the message, "The candidate currently has test results that are on hold." Um... what?!... Google that message and you will get an ulcer from the horror stories. I questioned my social, whether I touched my white board too fast, if I moved too much in my chair, if my hand print at the site was bad; I even questioned my own name.

Fridays are rough to test on because no one can answer you on Sat and Sun. And if your state doesn't participate in the rapid results like mine, getting answers is even more fun. Fast forward to today (2/10/14). I started by calling my state board of nursing. No help. She made me feel like a criminal implying that "held" results can take a month to process and that I should know what I did wrong. She said she had no way to look up what the hold was so I needed to simply wait it out. I called the Pearson Vue 800# and she wouldn't tell me anything other than to wait another 48 hours for official results. Right, because I haven't ate in the last 72 hours so surely another 48 hours won't kill me off. I even called my testing center (two hours away) just to see if she could remember if I did anything bad. She was so sweet and told me I did nothing wrong. She even called the home office to make sure they didn't accidentally do something to affect me. But no, the bottom line is I finished too quickly and it put a hold on my results.

I probably checked the Pearson Vue website 20 times today and my "hold" pop-up changed to the "good" pop-up around 1500. I'm posting this because I wish I would have known this could be an issue and wanted to reassure other fast test-takers that may find themselves in this position. I guess they check your video and keystrokes to make sure you didn't do something crazy. I didn't see if this has been posted before so I apologize if this is "old news." I have always taken tests rather quickly and have always done really well. So it was a shocker that they auto-flag/hold results if you complete it quickly. None of the expensive reviews I went to mentioned this possibility either. I chose 45 mins as the boundary point as my friend stopped/passed at 75 questions in about 50 mins without the "hold" pop-up.

So far, three of my December pinning classmates have tested and they all have the good pop-up too! One went to 128, another 150, and another at 75. Official results haven't posted but seeing all the good info on the pop-up has us smiling. So to any future fast NCLEXers, that's what happened to me so I hope that my story can calm some of your anxieties if you get that message. Good luck to everyone!

I took the test this morning. I was close to 45 minutes, not sure if more or less, AND we had issues with the hand scanner. So my results are still on hold. :/ I have checked pearson's website many times today with no luck. This is so stressful. I have no idea if I passed or failed, cut off at 75 questions. I hate this waiting. :(

All I can say is WOW!!!!! I think this is a bit ridiculous, I mean what do they think...............you snuck someone in or something and had a partner take the test? Too fast, are you serious? I cant wait to get this over with. Nobody told me we had to answer 75 questions in over 45 min.............geesh LOL.

Just to clarify----no one from the state board or PearsonVue actually told you that you took the test too fast. Is that correct? You're just guessing?

I also tested very quickly, but this did not happen to me.

This happened to someone I know as well. They took it too fast is what they were told. I don't know by who.

I was reading a blog, and this girl had trouble with her ID. it was expired or something (I do t remember the details) and so she had her marriage license as a backup. Anyway fast forward to the end she had 200+ questions and she said Pearson vue or someone told her that she was flagged and that's why she got the whole 200+ questions. She thought that if you did good or bad then the comp shut off where it needed to. She did not know it could be managed manually. She called Pearson vue because her results were on hold and that's what she was told.

She passed by the way.

WOW pookyp.................

I took my nclex a couple weeks ago and was in and out within 45 minutes! That is including my paperwork, palm print and the survey at the end of the test. I walked right out and did the trick and it worked. I passed! ?

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To clarify, I was officially told it was due to finishing fast. Seeing some of the comments, it isn't a guarantee but a possibility of results being placed on hold. I apologize for making it sound absolute. It held my results for an additional 24 hours but I heard it can be held longer. I got my official pass results and license number today (02/12/14). The PVT still works as everyone in my class who has that pop up has officially passed.

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

Good to know! I tend to test fast, so this is helpful! :)

i know this post is from months and months ago but i just want to thank you for making me feel a tiiiiny bit better. I finished in 40 minutes or so. I've been losing my mind for the past 12 hours because my results are on hold.

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