Published Aug 4, 2010
532 Posts
Hi guys,
I am wondering if anyone else has this issue.
Without fail, the day after I work (12.5 hour shift, ICU), I always have a headache. At first, I thought that perhaps I was dehydrated; not drinking enough water at work, etc., but now I have made an effort to drink more, yet every morning that I wake up and I don't work, but worked the day previously, i get headaches.
Anyone have any similar issues? Would love some advice.
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
Well, you know we can't give medical advice, BUT... this, is not that.
On your off day, do you get up later? I know that if I skip my coffee or have it much later, I might get a headache. Also, I find that sometimes I will sleep on my stomach and if I do, I might grind or clench my teeth which, will give me a headache. And when it is very humid for several days.... a headache.
I definitely get up later because on my day of work, i am up at 4am, and i don't know a sane individual who would up at that time willingly! haha. But I always get 8+ hours of sleep, and I don't drink coffee, etc.
and I live in Florida, so everyday is like stepping into a sauna!!
Oh yes, you are young... HA!
I wonder what it would be like to NOT drink coffee... here I am with my second cup. Hmmm. I think if I tried to quit, no matter how slowly I did it, I would surely end up a patient in the hospital, in withdrawal, hallucinating and spitting at everyone!
112 Posts
Dehydration was my first thought. Is it possible you're not eating enough? Or not enough protein?
2ndwind's description of caffeine withdrawal sounds about right to me!
Forever Sunshine, ASN, RN
1,261 Posts
Oh yes, you are young... HA! I wonder what it would be like to NOT drink coffee... here I am with my second cup. Hmmm. I think if I tried to quit, no matter how slowly I did it, I would surely end up a patient in the hospital, in withdrawal, hallucinating and spitting at everyone!
I neglected to have coffee yesterday morning. The orange juice was callng my name instead. Around 2pm I got a headache, shakes, nausea. I made coffee before I started hallucinating lol
GHGoonette, BSN, RN
1,249 Posts
Is it a headache or sinus pain? Obviously the unit is air conditioned; how old is the building? Do other staff members have the same problem?
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,609 Posts
I tend to get tension headaches, especially if I sit too much, or am at the keyboard too much.
I was taught some great stretches by an OT once: standing upright, move your left arm behind you about waist high. Grasp your left wrist with your right hand. While gently pulling on the left wrist, rotate your head to the right and look up over right left shoulder. Hold about 5-10 sec. This should not hurt. Release and do the other side.
I find some gentle yoga helps too. If it's really bad I put on some OTC analgesic cream and a warm towel around my neck.
38,333 Posts
If you can't seem to come up with an answer, I would check with your doctor. But offhand, I would say that your job is stressing you out more than you realize and this is your body's reaction to it.
138 Posts
Maybe you are hungry and need to have a snack mid morning and mid afternoon. Maybe you are not getting enough sleep the night before. Do you wear your stethescope around your neck all day? I found that was giving me neck and shoulder pain, so I try not to wear mine all day. Have you had your eyesight checked? Maybe you are straining to see the computer? Just a few thoughts. Hope it gets better.
FlyingScot, RN
2,016 Posts
I'm wondering if you're grinding your teeth in your sleep. I do that when I'm stressed and it gives me a really nasty tension headache.
69 Posts
Two things come to mind for me; the air at my hospital is so dry, that by the end of 12 hours my lips are chapped, and the inside of my nose is incredibly dried out, and I bet that could cause headaches. Also, I notice when I'm stressed at work I clench my jaw, which could definitely cause a headache if you're doing something like that for 12 hours...or even only 6.
Good luck...hope you figure it out!