Trouble returning to the work force My last full time job was assisted living in 2018-2019, I did a few agency jobs until 12/21 and then was hit by a truck in 1/06/22 - hospitalized for 1 mo. Finally recovered but I haven't worked full time in a while.
My last full time hospital job was 2015-17 in renal, and acute care. No idea how to get a job.. I'm pretty rusty but very good at learning I don't want to be a bedside nurse again and would prefer a career in research, community health, etc. do I need to go to school? Thank you so much.
Dear Nurse Beth,
Trouble returning to the work force My last full time job was assisted living in 2018-2019, I did a few agency jobs until 12/21 and then was hit by a truck in 1/06/22 - hospitalized for 1 mo. Finally recovered but I haven't worked full time in a while.
My last full time hospital job was 2015-17 in renal, and acute care. No idea how to get a job.. I'm pretty rusty but very good at learning I don't want to be a bedside nurse again and would prefer a career in research, community health, etc. do I need to go to school? Thank you so much.
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