Having so much fun!


I'm in my fifth semester of a BSN program and even though I'm only three weeks into the actual nursing program, I'm having so much fun! I love my clinical instructor, and my classes are interesting and my classmates (especially my clinical group) are amazing. I got to volunteer last night at a student run refugee clinic, doing assessments and vitals and discharge notes. I even got to present a patient to the attending! I was treated as a valued member of the team (nursing and med students).

I'm just having such a fun, positive experience and I wanted to share :)

Specializes in PICU.

Fantastic. Keep up the great attitude and I hope the rest of the semester is as good as it has started for you.

That is really interesting your volunteer time at the refugee clinic, hope you can maximize your experience there.

Have a great semester

Fantastic. Keep up the great attitude and I hope the rest of the semester is as good as it has started for you.

That is really interesting your volunteer time at the refugee clinic, hope you can maximize your experience there.

Have a great semester

Thank you!

The clinic is really awesome. It's all student run, by my school. We have medical, nursing and dental students to provide care for refugees without insurance. We have nurse leaders, dentists and attending physicians onsite for assistance. I think the experience is invaluable, and I'll be going every week!

Specializes in Critical Care, Trauma.

That's wonderful to hear, Jen! I'm about halfway through the second term of my ADN program. We're currently doing clinicals at a memory care facility and are working on our head to toe assessments. I love it! All of this information we're gathering from lecture, pharmacology, etc... is slowly, but surely clicking into place as a whole.

I'm really looking forward to moving forward. :)


Your 5th week or semester...?

Your 5th week or semester...?

3rd week in my 5th semester

Thanks for sharing ItsThatJenGirl. Looks like I will be starting my actual nursing program in May. Finished all the pre reqs and am just taking a Nursing Assessment class this semester. I have been so excited, but sometimes I read stories on here that make me nervous. I appreciate you sharing a fun and happy perspective!! Good luck and I hope it continues for you!

(Also, I have read a lot of your posts and coming from another "older" student with kids, I appreciate reading how you seem to keep everything together and running smoothly. :-) )

I was hoping you'd post an update as to your experiences so far! I love that you're part of a clinic for refugees; what a fantastic service you're providing. And it's great that you feel so valued.

I'll tag along and post my own update. I'm finishing what is considered our first week, although it's actually our third week because of orientation, etc. We jumped right into everything, though, and I feel like I'm hitting my stride. Our program is self-study, so there aren't regular mandatory classes. Instead, we have a full day of skills lab once day a week to prepare us for clinicals. For each class, we have one overview each semester that lasts 1.5 hours. We work our way through each class and take short tests (15 - 30 questions) on each unit whenever we think we are ready and have learned the material. I have seven one-credit classes that each take about 45 hours of study, a two-credit lab, and the two-credit clinical. We'll have 18 exams, 10 procedures to demonstrate to faculty, and 9 return demos to demonstrate to peers. I've take two exams, done one procedure, and will probably do three exams next week and two return demos.

I really like my professors and my classmates. It's an intense program (aren't they all?!!), but it's a great fit for me.

What a great opportunity and I am so glad you were able to give us all an update. Like some of the others, I was wondering how the transition was going now that you are officially a "Student Nurse". I hope your semester continues to go smoothly!!

Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate all the support!! It means so much to me.

Sounds like you are having a great experience. Keep up the positive attitude!!! By the way, students are a valuable part of the team. Not only are y'all future co-workers, but you also are a great help on the floor!!!

Yay! Your program sounds amazing. We started a couple of weeks ago too - I'm having a blast! I love the clinic you guys have - excellent clinical experience while providing an invaluable and much needed service to the under-served communities.....wonderful!

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