Having a lot of trouble with Microbiology!!!


This is the only class I have taken so far that I just do not understand!!!!

I need to know examples of the following:

  • DNA Double Stranded Virus:
  • DNA Single Stranded Virus:
  • RNA Double Stranded Virus:
  • RNA Single Stranded Virus:

This information is not in my textbook and when I try googling the answers I come up with NOTHING! So far the rest of the class has been pretty straight forward, but I can't get ANY information on what these even are!!! Does anyone know where I can find information on this? Thanks a lot.

I am not taking micro until the fall semester but I just checked on wikipedia. Look up the terms DNA virus and RNA virus then you will find your answers. Hope this helps :)

This is the only class I have taken so far that I just do not understand!!!!

I need to know examples of the following:

[*]DNA Double Stranded Virus:

[*]DNA Single Stranded Virus:

[*]RNA Double Stranded Virus:

[*]RNA Single Stranded Virus:

This information is not in my textbook and when I try googling the answers I come up with NOTHING! So far the rest of the class has been pretty straight forward, but I can't get ANY information on what these even are!!! Does anyone know where I can find information on this? Thanks a lot.

Only answer in have for you is RNA Single stranded virus: poliovirus

Double stranded RNA: HIV

Specializes in OB.

Just FYI, Wikipedia is not a trustworthy site. Anyone can write anything they want. At school we are told to not even look at it let alone use it.

DNA Double Stranded Virus: Poxviruses (enveloped)

DNA Single Stranded Virus: Parvoviruses (non-enveloped)

RNA Double Stranded Virus: Reoviruses (non-enveloped)

RNA Single Stranded Virus: Paramyxoviruses (enveloped & non-segmented)

Hope this helps! I pulled the information from my microbiology textbook.

venusnscrubs: Thanks so much! I wish my textbook had that, I spent so much time looking for these answers!

adoRNo2015: As for wikipedia: I agree, I never use wikipedia for fear the info is wrong.

You're Welcome! ;)

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

Look on Khan Academy's website. They have great Microbiology videos! There should definitely be a chapter in your Micro book that classifies the viruses into dsDNA, dsRNA, ssDNA & ssRNA. I know ours was in a separate chapter. Take a look at any related to viruses.

I've got my notes from last semster, so PM me if you need more examples of viruses, OK?

I second using the Khan Academy website. It's awesome!

Another vote for Kahn Academy website. A very helpful learning tool. I am using it to polish up my Algebra skills.

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