Hi there! I guess I came on here to vent since I'm not sure where else to go for advice or a nursing vent sesh. I'm a first semester nursing student and I find myself really disliking a lot of the people I go to school with. Everyone is very dramatic, two faced, and back can't trust anyone!
We took our final today and about half half of us went out for happy hour at a local restaurant. One girl in my program had a little bit too much to drink and started crying after she got kicked out of the restaurant. I went up to her and asked if she was okay or needed a ride home, she then shoved me into a wall and cussed me out. Other people in the program had to hold her back so I can walk away without her attacking me!
On top of that all year I've been hearing nonstop trash talking about other people in the program, people trying to rat other people out to the professors, and just overall nastiness. Is this what the nursing world is like?
It's really discouraging to see these are the type of people that want to be nurses. In a sense it kind of makes me sad. so here I am reaching out to all the fellow nurses and nursing students. Are other nursing programs like this? Can you help shed some light on how to make the next year and a half with these people not so...awful?
Sorry for the vent. I needed to let it out somewhere!