Has a co-worker ever tried to get you fired?


Specializes in LTC/Rehab.

:madface::madface::madface: I had one co-worker falsely accused me of an incident. I was under investigation and nearly lost my job! :eek: The truth came out in the investigation, and I returned back to work shortly.

But it makes me wonder.....

I deal with crazy residents on the daily basis. Now I have to work with bat-sh*t, crazy co-workers, too???:down:

Has any of your co-workers ever tried to get you fired? Has any of your co-workers ever lied to/or on you? If so, how did you handle it?

A coworker ratted me out for not giving a bib- the PC term for bibs is now clothing protectors per my facility :rolleyes: - to a resident before I handed her her tray. I was like, are you serious? Come on, let's focus on bigger issues on hand, like patient safety. I handled it by holding my head high and having a laugh over the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

For the record, I don't like tattletales; it is so 2nd grade behavior.

Yep! We had a girl a while back I trained...we take care of severely developmentally disabled kids and young adults, so we deal with a lot of physical deformities, etc. She took off a resident's shirt and said "ewww, why are her nipples like that??" I explained to her that our residents were able to understand what we were saying even if they don't talk, and we aren't to comment like that around them.

Well, that made her mad and from then on, she actually told coworkers that she was going to find a way to get me fired. She made up incidents and accusations several times (claimed I threw a 200 pound resident into bed, claimed I called residents names at dinner every day, etc etc etc). Luckily, there was always a witness or more to the contrary, and the DON knows my character well.

I don't know how to tell you to handle it - I just stayed away from her until she got herself fired. I know some people would advise you to calmly discuss the matter with the person trying to get you fired, but honestly, I wouldn't, because it would be another opportunity for words to get twisted and I just tend to avoid people I don't mesh well with.

Specializes in LTC.

Yes, I told on someone after I witnessed her doing something wrong. She bided her time for a while and then started accusing me of doing all kinds of stupid, childish stuff that I couldn't actually be bothered with, like moving her time card and hiding her lunch. And her supervisor actually took her complaints seriously... fortunately my supervisor did not. It was still pretty embarrassing because people made such a big deal out of it.

When I was a cna, I LOVED my job, couldnt stand 90% of my coworkers.... I had a coworker that tried to get me fired for stealing oxys when some were missing. I wasnt super upset, since it could have been anyone on our shift, so I submitted to the drug test as did everyone else, and the real culprit was fired. However, on a weekly basis she'd blame me for stealing random pills EVEN WHEN NONE WERE MISSING! They finally xfered her to another facility, AFTER I quit to go to school lol

Specializes in LTC, Memory loss, PDN.
A coworker ratted me out for not giving a bib- the PC term for bibs is now clothing protectors per my facility :rolleyes: - to a resident before I handed her her tray. I was like, are you serious? Come on, let's focus on bigger issues on hand, like patient safety. I handled it by holding my head high and having a laugh over the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

For the record, I don't like tattletales; it is so 2nd grade behavior.

This kind of crap only goes on because whoever is in charge encourages it. The immediate response to the ratting person should be," but you gave a cloth protector to the resident as soon as you noticed, so there's no problem, right?"

This kind of crap only goes on because whoever is in charge encourages it. The immediate response to the ratting person should be," but you gave a cloth protector to the resident as soon as you noticed, so there's no problem, right?"

I cannot kudo your post enough times but you nailed it.

If I were in charge, I'd have given the tattletale a look that says, Don't you have better things to do? Now get out of my office and stop wasting my time!"

I haven't had this happen personally.

But a seasoned CNA told me an RN started accusing her of all sorts of things, like not bathing a patient or taking vitals incorrectly (important on a step-down ICU floor), etc.

The CNA held strong, refused to be bothered, they found nothing wrong with her and finally she got fed up with it and told the DON "Look, if she keeps this up, I will consider it harassment and will treat it as such."

aka: lawsuit.

DON told the RN to shut up. Ended that quickly.

Specializes in School Nurse.
I haven't had this happen personally.

But a seasoned CNA told me an RN started accusing her of all sorts of things, like not bathing a patient or taking vitals incorrectly (important on a step-down ICU floor), etc.

The CNA held strong, refused to be bothered, they found nothing wrong with her and finally she got fed up with it and told the DON "Look, if she keeps this up, I will consider it harassment and will treat it as such."

aka: lawsuit.

DON told the RN to shut up. Ended that quickly.

Good for her! Sometimes you cant just sit back and take it you have to stand up for yourself! :yeah:

Specializes in LTC/Rehab.

Thank you for your replies. I'd like to say that this very, same girl who accused me of this incident, has been an extremely rude and hostile co-worker. I have heard her start conversations, calling me out of my name. She has used profanity against me in the past. She has also accused me of a more personal incident that I did not do, outside of work. When the administrator heard my side of the story with the added information, he reminded me of the importance to document such events. If I had documentation of the hostile interactions I had with this co-worker, my accusation would have been dismissed far earlier. I was a victim of harrashment, and I have learned my lesson. I hope that everyone remembers to document on moments like these. You never know when you may need that evidence to prove your innocence.

Ev1987: Has your situation gotten better?

Specializes in LTC/Rehab.
Ev1987: Has your situation gotten better?

I apologize for responding so late. The answer is 'yes' and 'no'. I enjoy working as a cna, and apart from becoming a nurse in the future, there's no other profession I'd enjoy working for. I'm happy to have my job, I'm happy to be working, and I'm happy to get paid.

Besides from the frequent fantasies of pulling this girl's hair, and punching her in the face, I instantly feel agitated and upset everytime I see her. I'm not typically a violent girl, but at this stage in my life, nothing would satisfy me more than to throw down with this btch!!

I'm doing my best to control my temper. I don't want to say or do anything that will jeopardize my job. I know she wants me fired. In two months from now, I'm going to ask myself 'Are you happy where you're at, or do you wanna move on?' And I'll just go from there....

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