Has anyone gone thru www.eline.tamucc.edu to get their RN degree?


How was it? Is it legit? Is it accredited?

I am looking for a p/t program I can kinda take at my own pace as I already am an engineer working full time and have a 14 month old son. I have to work f/t so p/t school is the only option for me to get into nursing as a second career.

Any comments on this program are appreciated. Thanks.

Specializes in L&D.

I'm currently enrolled. The program is legit and it is accredited. We have the same requirements as on campus students, except we access our coursework online. All clinical hours are done in a hospital.

The program does allow you the flexibility of working while in nursing school, but it is tough. You have 4 years to complete the program, so you can move at a slower pace if you have to work full-time. I worked full-time while completing my first semester and it wore me down.

You can send me a private message if you have anymore questions.

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Tawillia - Are you in Corpus? What if we are not in the CC? Will they help us find a hospital, or is it up to us?

Specializes in L&D.

I'm in Dallas. The school will set up the clinical site as close to you as possible. Students cannot set up a site because there are alot of legal issues and paperwork. But, if a student knows of a hospital that would be willing to let e-line studnets do clinicals there, you can get the school in contact with the right people to get the process started. Because the concept is so new, alot of hospitals are not open to letting us come there.

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

I'm in the Dallas area, too. How hard was it for you to find a hospital to work with? Was the main reason you picked this program because you needed something part time? Do you have to pay out of county tuition?

Thanks :)


Specializes in L&D.

Dallas students do clinicals in Sulphur Springs. You can do this program part-time, but keep in mind that you have to have everything completed in 4 years. I know that seems like a long time, but it is not.

You can get all of the information about tuition and fees on the TAMU-CC school website. That will give you a good idea of how much you will be paying. For e-line, you can register for one class at a time as opposed to registering for the whole semester.

You can send me a private message if you have specific questions.

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

Yeah, I actually attened TAMU-CC and Delmar while I lived in Corpus so I am familar with the websites. I was just wondering if they had some kind of special thing for people in the eline program so that we wouldn't have to pay the out of county rates.

Oh, and I just realize Sulphur Springs is 1.5 - 2hrs away from me. Yikes! Prolly not gonna go that route...

This is fascinating. I live in Houston, do you know of they have any clinical opportunities close to Houston?

This is fascinating. I live in Houston, do you know of they have any clinical opportunities close to Houston?

JaxiaKiley, I am not sure about the ADN program from DelMar, but for the BSN program from TAMU-CC you will pay the normal Texas resident tuition you would for any public Texas university.

SeekingNur, I am in Houston too and will begin the eLine program this summer. There are not any clinical sites here yet, but they are working on a couple. The closest site established is in College Station.

How do you do your tests? Are they online or do you have to have them proctored somewhere?

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

RNaggie - Thanks for that! I totally spaced on the fact about TAMU-CC being a 4 year state school, and so the county I lived in didn't matter. I will see what I can find out about Del Mar. Thanks again.

Is this program only for students that have completed their prerequisites?

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