Has anyone else had problems with for profit nursing schools?

Nursing Students General Students


They know most community colleges and universities have waiting lists. They hike up the prices because some people truly want to be a nurse, but they don't want to wait around 2-3 years to finally get accepted into a community college or university. They're all lovely dovey to you..as soon as you sign the loan..they treat you like dirt. Never, never, NEVER in my LIFE will i ever attend any for profit schools EVER AGAIN.

Yeah I went through the same thing for my LPN. Lesson learned.

I'm glad I'm not the only one xoemmylouox. Before I started there, i had rumors that certain instructors purposely fail you.. i didn't believe those rumors, i shot down any rumor thinking that particular student didnt put in the effort to study, and it was their own fault. Well, I learned the hard way. I'm glad I pulled out before i owe any more tuition back. I just can not believe what goes in with some schools. totally unethical and immoral.

what school are you talking about ?

Well I did well. I graduated with honors. It was just that we were misled on their accredidation status/ the lack there of. We were led to believe they would accredited by the time we were done. 5 years later they still aren't.

Specializes in Oncology/hematology.
Well I did well. I graduated with honors. It was just that we were misled on their accredidation status/ the lack there of. We were led to believe they would accredited by the time we were done. 5 years later they still aren't.

This is the really horrible part of the whole thing? You spent how much on your education and they aren't even accredited? Just a horrible thing to do to you students?

I guess the moral of the story is DON'T GO TO FOR PROFIT SCHOOLS!

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Nobody should be going to these schools.

There are many threads on this.... Some for profit schools are pretty awful. Some are a great option for someone that may not be accepted into a community college program, or may not be able to wait around for years on a wait list. The school I go to now has a much better reputation in this area than the community college program anyway.

Is anyone talking about Bryant and Stratton? I am supposed to attend in the fall and would love a heads up if so.

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