Has anyone applied for El Centro/ Northlake for Fall 08 (Late Application)



Has anyone applied to El Cento/ Northlake for Fall 08 during the late filing period? If you have, have you gotten a response if you are in the nursing program yet? If so, when did you get your acceptance letter?


i was just wondering if you got your letter yet bcoz i applied late too and i still dnt know if i got in!! its killing me!! i may just have to wait till spring 09.:bugeyes:

Just FYI, I was told they weren't taking any late apps at El Centro, only at North Lake. Also the filing period is until July 15th (tomorrow) they don't start opening the applications until after the filing period so probably on the 16th. Maybe ya'll will hear by the end of the week! Good Luck!

Hey...I have not gotten my letter yet, either. Has anyone gotten their letter, yet?

I Still havent got my letter yet bt then again July 15 was just a couple days ago!! i guess we will have to wait a little bit longer and see what happens. Hopefully i get in bcoz the i will have to wait till spring and that is too far away!!!

The waiting is going to drive me crazy!!!:bugeyes: Let me know when you get your letter!

Have you gotten your letter or have you heard anything about when they are going to be sending them out?

i still dont have my letter yet!!! :banghead:the mail man must think i am crazy because now i know when he comes. fall starts in like three and a half weeks so am pretty worried now. maybe they decided to have me for spring instead bcoz they have sent me a denial letter either!! i dont know when they are supposed to send them but time is running out and am begining to worry!! hang in there snowflake, hopefully our letters will come!!

Thanks for the encouragement...you hang in there too. I feel the exact same away:banghead:. Instead of knowing my face, the mail man knows my sister's face b/c I have been making her check the mail (b/c I am at work). Do you know when orientation is for late application people? I'm sure that have to have one, right? What is your 1st choice (ECC or NLC)? I figure that the letters maybe coming this week (hopefully by Friday) b/c like you said, school is starting in about 3 wks, so they have to give people time to get their money together for books, scrubs, supplies, etc. I don't think it's right to make people wait this long...LOL...we'll be crazy before we even start the program...LOL:sstrs:

Keep checking the mail and I will do the same.

I'm trying to stay positive!!!:)

hey snowflake i went to el centro today and they told me that we wont be able to know if we got in until aug 11. i think thts crazy coz sch starts on the 25th but thats wht they said. so it seems we have some more waiting!!!:banghead: let me know when you get yours!! p.s they didnt tell me when orientation was, so it must be in the letter.

WHAT!! that's crazy:no:

I don't understand the need to make us wait this long! Oh well, I guess the waiting shall continue...

Question: when you went to El Centro, who did you ask...was it the admissions person (Kanora Jackson)?

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