Published Aug 15, 2005
435 Posts
Hey Y'all
I do as much (well--probably more) bitching as the next nurse. (Well, maybe a LOT more ;>).
But ya know, I think we've got the greatest job in the world. Last night I got report at 7pm while watching thru the glass as my Pt's HRate was 140 and BP kept alarming at 60/30. Vent showing no spont resps. Foley with empty U-meter. The day nurse was saying, fluid bolus since she got here at 5, NeoSynephrine at 50mcg/min, sposed to start Dobutamine but haven't had time. (Probably everyone here can fill in the rest of the story.)
She was fairly young African-American, HIV, went into flash PulmEdema in ER.
Echo was done--20% EjectFraction. Hgb 8.
Of course, large family. Very frightened she was gonna die in the next hr. Which I couldn't agrue with, eh? And turns out there's a family connection to one of my favorite collegues who works in our Hosp's OTHER ICU. (I dunno about you but I have a superstition that if the Pt is one of US, or one of OURS--bad **** is more likely to happen.)
Went into room. Introductions, smiles. Assessment: the gal is HOT to touch. AxTemp 103!!. Begin sponging w/ H20. She reacts with all four and eyes fly open as I do this--likely to have 'someone home'. Tylenol down NGT.
Dobutamine goes up. (Only have periph IVs but I have grown used to this since leaving TeachingHosp and Trauma Institutes for approaching retirement in Fla--anyhow, IV sites look good.)
Calls to MDs. Attending is obviously hanging crepe over her. When I tell him the VSigns and suggest InfectDisease consult he says 'we'll see about that in the morning'. (Translation: 'she's going die tonite, John') I CANT STAND that, when the Doc is going to let my Pt die. Cardiologist turns out to sound like great Doc over the phone. Made sure she had been pan-Cx (which I'd made sure of--BloodCx done in ER, I got Sput&Urine). Try Dopamine, wean Neo, give 2units RBCs, lasix after 1st. The Intensivist also sound great--NSaline 200/hr, begin ABx.
Orders in process, begin the siege. Pester BloodBank--get 1st unit up. Keep sponging. Temp comes down. BP begins to improve with Dopa--weaning Neo (had been up to 80mcg/m)--begin to get urine in foley tubing!!
Hours of this stuff. About 2330, look up--BP is 125/50!! Temp now 100.4ax.
Family has been in continuously--different folks (very polite, very compliant with 'just one or two at a time please'), they have a matriarch who happily fields all phone calls. Then around MN, "she's awake!!"--and so she is. Eyes open, nods Yes/No, moves all 4, even smiles sweetly into my ugly ol' face as I explain restraints, ETT, etc. Assists with turning.
By 0700, Dopa and Dobut both at 2 1/2 mcg/k/m, IV fluid down to 100/hr, HRate 100, temp 99.1ax. Urine 300/hr. I've called Labs (mag 1.1, K 3.2, pH 7.5) to intensivist--gotten orders--and I'm giving report to a dayshift nurse that will do a fine job with her.
I leave the ICU headed for the time clock and the old ford. The family is still there--in the lobby which our doors open onto. As I walk out they all stand and give me an ocean of smiles. Thank You, they say. Thank you Thank you. 'Shucks,' I tell 'em. 'It's just what we do here'.
And I walk away thinking--this payoff is better that money!!
Anyhow--long post--kinda apologize--don't we have a great job!!!
Papaw John
psalm, RN
1,263 Posts
...great to hear of a wonderful, appreciative family. Makes the job easier. Glad to har you had a winner of a night!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
Rock on! That's what nursing is all about! :)
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Brought a tear to my eye and a lump in my throat, pawpawJ.
babynurselsa, RN
1,129 Posts
Those are the ones that remind us what it is all about.
Good job!!!
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
Great job. Nice to hear stories like these.
184 Posts
gggggggggggggoooooooooo youuuuuuuuuuu
That's an awesome job. Very well done, very caring, very smart.
Continue with the wonderful care. I hope if I am ever sick, I have a nurse like you. :)
bellehill, RN
566 Posts
Those are the shifts that keep me going (probably all of us). Thanks for sharing your awesome night and good job!
donsterRN, ASN, BSN
2,558 Posts
What a wonderful story, Papaw...
Good for you, and thanks for sharing!
1,119 Posts
Wonderful Papaw John,
It's great when others share experiences like this
19 Posts
A great reminder of why I became a nurse! What a difference you made in all those peoples life! Great for you! :)