Great news today


Specializes in med/surg, geriatrics, corrections.

Just wanted to share with my new "online family". I just got great news from my administrator. Our company offers to pay 80% "up to $2000" a year toward an APPROVED course of study. I have been jumping through hoops trying to explain Excelsior and the benefits of getting a well trained RN in a year instead of waiting while I finish part time...anyway....My administrator told me today she is APPROVING and then it goes to corporate management but she told me in all of her 20 years of being with this company they have NEVER denied anyone after she has approved it!!!!!! This takes the cost of 10 tests down to $500(while they pick up $2k). I really wanted to take the practice tests after everyone has been saying how helpful they, now I can afford it since each test is only going to cost me $50! I support a family of EIGHT so this was definately a blessing from God!

Congrats....I had to explain in detail how this program works to my employer as well...but in the end they agreed to 100% re-imbursement.

Specializes in LTC, Sub-acute.


Specializes in Tele/Neuro/Trauma.

That's awesome! Now finish your FAFSA and you will be eligible for the $500 scholarship from Excelsior :-)

I wish my employer reimbursed something. HCA is horrible.

Great!! You are off to a great start!!! :)

Good for you and good luck on the CPNE!

Specializes in med/surg, geriatrics, corrections.
That's awesome! Now finish your FAFSA and you will be eligible for the $500 scholarship from Excelsior :-)

I wish my employer reimbursed something. HCA is horrible.

I had the FAFSA done quite some time ago, was going to go back to the community college where I did my prereqs but realized that either my home life or school life would suffer. I know we all sacrifice but I'm just not built that way. It's easier on my family this way. Even though I have my face stuck in a book, I'm still in the same room with them. That's a comfort to my wife and this way I could finish in a year instead of piecing it together over the next two or three.

Specializes in Surgery, Med/Surg/ICU, OB-Peds, Ophth.
Just wanted to share with my new "online family". I just got great news from my administrator. Our company offers to pay 80% "up to $2000" a year toward an APPROVED course of study. I have been jumping through hoops trying to explain Excelsior and the benefits of getting a well trained RN in a year instead of waiting while I finish part time...anyway....My administrator told me today she is APPROVING and then it goes to corporate management but she told me in all of her 20 years of being with this company they have NEVER denied anyone after she has approved it!!!!!! This takes the cost of 10 tests down to $500(while they pick up $2k). I really wanted to take the practice tests after everyone has been saying how helpful they, now I can afford it since each test is only going to cost me $50! I support a family of EIGHT so this was definately a blessing from God!

NICE!! What good news!! :yeah: Yeah, those practice exams are worth every darn penny!

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Awesome. Congrats!! :)

That's awesome! Now finish your FAFSA and you will be eligible for the $500 scholarship from Excelsior :-)

I wish my employer reimbursed something. HCA is horrible.

World's biggest understatement. Congrats savage :yeah:

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