Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, GA


Can anyone tell me how long is the hiring process at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA? I have had 4 interviews and final interview with Department Director was told that I was selected for position and I just need to wait for salary offer, but it has been 10 business since that time. I have tried calling but, unable to reach a person just machine, leave a message will get back asap.

Can anyone be of any help:)

Umm my aunt lives in Atlanta and she mentioned that Grady is a HORRIBLE hospital that is located in a very dangerous area, and that they have a hard time keeping people because it is so bad. They tried to recruit her daughter to work there and she wouldn't do it. This obviously is secondhand information, but I just thought i'd mention it :) You might want to do your research before working there.

I had a friend who worked in Grady's emergency room just so she could get the experience. On full moons and weekends it was like a war zone she used to tell me, which suited her perfectly because she was an adrenaline junky and enjoyed seeing all kinds of wierd stuff you'll never ususally see in a small town or suburban area hospital.

But, that was a number of years ago, and now I hear that many ER's are the new jail. That is, the cops don't bother to lock them up, they just drop them off at the ER's and they have to take them.

Well, sorry, I did not answer your query, but I think Grady would be awesome to get experince at! Good luck and I hope someone can answer your dilemma.

Grady is a hoot! If you work there it will be one of the best learning jobs you will have. It's chaos, love and teamwork, as well as some of the worst and best professional behavior you will observe.

I would imagine if you got a interview you have a job, chances are they lost or forgot about your app also. You should call them, blame yourself for some minor confusion and ask your status. I spent 15 yrs there. Ems, micu, ED, would never go back and loved every minute I was there. Sort of like a boat two best days are the day you bought it and the day you sold it!!!!

Best to you


I'd call everyone you interviewed with..I did clinicals there and if I lived closer I'd work there in a heartbeat - war zone and all.


Okay I have a few questions I guess. I have been a nurse since DEC 2010, and I'm just now finding someone who wants to interview me. I have applied to countless RN Residencies in Atlanta. I applied to Grady and to my surprise received a phone call today for an interview. Does anybody know about 6A medsurg/trauma? If so please do share or you can PM me, also what's do the RN's wear there. I plan on taking my GRE soon because I will be going back to school for my NP. So I thought that this would be a good place to get some experience.

Does anyone know if Grady allows new grads to transition to different units after a certain number of months working on the unit they got hired into?

Specializes in Psychiatry.

We had a Grady nurse speak at our school and someone asked if she was required to wear a certain kind of scrubs. She said they have to wear white. She was in the ER and unsure if that applied to the whole hospital or just the ER. Hope that helps!

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