Published Apr 30, 2015
6 Posts
Hello Nurses,
I am a new member and i graduated last May and passed my boards in September. I have been looking for a job since and nothing so far not even an interview. All of my classmates found jobs, I don't know what to do. If this happened to anyone please let me know before i lose my mind. I spend hours on the computer applying for jobs. Please give me some advices, anything will be great. If there are any new nurses out there please tell me how you did it. PS: I live in New York. Thanks
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
1. If you have not done so already, consider employment opportunities outside the acute care hospital. Jails, prisons, clinics, nursing homes, private duty, home health, psych, and developmental disabilities are all new grad friendly.
2. If possible, relocate to an area that is less saturated with new grads.
Thanks the Commuter
I am starting to consider nursing homes and I will apply there as well.
scaredsilly, BSN, RN
1,161 Posts
The Commuter is right, but I would add-network! Your friends and classmates got jobs, so hit them up on social media and ask if there are openings on their unit and if so, could they get a good word to the nursing manager. What about clinical instructors? Get in touch with them as well!
Where I am, most of my class got jobs by bypassing the online application and walking a resume into the NM. I have been told that doesn't work all that well on the east coast, but it could be worth a try.
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,549 Posts
Get your tusch out of the computer chair and start hand carrying resumes to non-hospital health care facilites, offices, companies of any kind. Have someone check your resume first to be sure it looks good. Go get em.
Nurse Beth, MSN
145 Articles; 4,099 Posts
Hello Nurses,I am a new member and i graduated last May and passed my boards in September. I have been looking for a job since and nothing so far not even an interview. All of my classmates found jobs, I don't know what to do.
I am a new member and i graduated last May and passed my boards in September. I have been looking for a job since and nothing so far not even an interview. All of my classmates found jobs, I don't know what to do.
Just a couple things for you to begin looking at, so you can turn this around before much longer. What you are doing so far has not worked for you (which I know is why you reached out here :))
Best wishes, you can make this happen and be a working RN.
4 Posts
I dont know about RN's but as lvn I got my licence in 10/2013 and due to getting pregnancy didnt start job searching until September of 2014 and was hired in February. (After which I kept getting call backs)