Grading Scales


Just curious - our grading scale (RN) is: A (92-100), B (86-92) & C (80-86). Is this pretty consistent with all schools?


Specializes in ICU.

Mine goes on a + - system. So A 93-100 B+87-92.9 B 83-87 B- 77-82.9 and we must have a 75% or better to pass.

Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

The grading scale for my school is as follows:

A 96-100


B+ 91-92

B 88-90


C+ 83-85*

C 80-82


D+ 74-76

D 70-73

Any grade of C- or below is grounds for instant dismissal from the program, as is more than one grade of C+ or C.

I'm also in a master's entry program, for what it's worth.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

Our non nursing grading scale is different then our nursing grading scale.

I am assuming you are asking for the nursing one.

Ours is

94-100 A

87-93 B

78-86 C

Below 78 you fail

I think I got that right, it's been about a month since I looked but I am pretty sure that is right.

Oh and my stupid school does not have any - or + you get either an A B or C




When I went from a college that had things like 3.7 to my college all my grades dropped except for my 4.0

Specializes in labor & delivery.

Mine is: 92-100 A

84-91 B

76-83 C

A (4.0) = 94-100

A- (3.7) = 90-93

B+ (3.3) = 87-89

B (3.0) = 84-86

B- (2.7) = 80-83

C+ (2.3) = 77-79

We must keep a 77 to continue on in the program.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I feel really bad for some of you! :( Our grading scale (BSN) is:

93-100 = A

90-92 = A-

87-89 = B+

83-86 = B

80-82 = B-

77-79 = C+

74-76 = C

Anything below a 74 is a failing grade.

Thanks for sharing everyone! It sounds like things are a little different across the board.

I didn't specify, but my scale is just for nursing courses.

I wonder what impact different scales have (if any) when applying to BSN completion/MSN programs, since not everything looks like it's apples-to-apples.

Mine is:


B= 81-91

C= 75-80

Below 75 means you retake the course!

Specializes in Endoscopy/MICU/SICU.

Wow, we have it pretty good.

A+ 97-100

A 90-96

B+ 87-89

B 80-86

C 74-79

lower than 74 fail

You get two failures and you're dismissed from the program

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

Our non nursing classes are the 90-100 80-99 etc. scale. I wish our nursing was too LOL

Specializes in Endoscopy/MICU/SICU.

I know. I'm really glad my program is like that. We still have a 96% NCLEX pass rate, so it works out for us.

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